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Grace woke up that morning with an massive head ache stretching through out to her neck nodes, nearly paralyzing her neck. A mocking pain ached her chest and a wave of dizziness covered her.

"Could you come to the police station?" Mrs Merkel asked, glancing into the room.


"I mean after breakfast" Mrs Merkel corrected "You can't go another day without eating. Lilia told me about yesterday"

The woman in charge were already getting annoyed with her behaviour. She woke up from a long coma of 2 years and she refused to eat. When she tried on the first day, she threw up the whole meal and even refused to hydrate herself. Any one could know the risk she was undergoing by having such diet after being in a coma at her age.

"I'm not hungry" she replied "Where's Lilia?" She asked, picking up the diary and teddy bear.

"Can I come?" Charlotte asked, feeling interested.

Grace glanced back at her, thinking for bit before nodding her head in acceptance. She quickly kept her computer in her back pack and trailed behind her as they walked to the driveway of the orphanage.

"There you are!" Lilia beamed "I have great news for you. It came in yesterday from the hospital"

"What?" Grace asked unamused or annoyed by her beaming.

"We found your family- brothers, to be exact and you're moving to Sicily!" She said, taking the two kids aback.

"Excuse me?" She asked confused.

"Brothers?" Charlotte asked "Sicily?!" They both shouted in sync, wondering on her words.

"Let's go to the police station first. Do you have anything you wish to take before going there? We won't be returning here. The flight is in 2 hours" She asked.

Grace looked down at her hands, marking a mental checklist filled with only two major items and nodded back. They both entered in the car, waving Mrs Merkel a little goodbye as Lilia drove away to the police station.

Thibualt came over to greet them when they arrived, directly informing them of the outcome.

"You weren't related to any one here so we contacted some hospitals around France for some DNA test and saw your match"
Thibualt explained.

"I don't know whether you two understand but I'm confused with the brothers part? Why put it in the plural form?" She asked.

"Because you have 8 brothers and 1 older sister!" Charlotte exclaimed "You are a Masseria! Plus, from the main branch" she read from the DNA papers.

Grace didn't seem happy from the news. She didn't even seem sad or any major expression changed the one on her face at that moment. She didn't even understand why they were so excited over nothing.

"Can I?" She are, picking up the first test results.


She saw written in bold. The name written next to it was that of a certain Rauw Masseria which she identified as the guy Charlotte explained his whole life to yesterday.

Rauw A. Ferrari-Masseria is the head of the Masseria family and the first son of the Ex CEO of the multinational airline corporations around the world dedicated in the designing, constructing, managing and selling of different sorts of aircrafts, machines, nuclear arms and weapons. He is part of the board of the Ferrari Automotive indutries and own millions of investments around the world. He inherited the company at the early age of seventeen and brought it high up to even higher heights than any previous Masseria leader. He's the second richest man in the world and heads the fifth richest family in Europe, owning most major buildings around Europe in general and Italy- his home country and dominates the economic sector in most countries around the world.

"A driver will come pick you up when you arrive Sicily dressed in a complete black and white suit and drives a family mark Ferrari" Lilia explained "And be careful there"

"Yeah, There's a lot of shady business going on in Sicily from all gang and mafia syndicates" Thibualt said.

"I will miss you" Charlotte stated.

"I haven't even hone yet" Grace wondered.

"Your name isn't even Grace. No doubt it wasn't in the database, your name is Kara Ferrari" she commented.

"It fits her better" Lilia replied.

"We should get going to the airport. The flight isn't that long" Thibualt stated, picking up his car keys.

"9 hours aren't long?" Charlotte questioned in horror.

Thibualt shrugged. Grace waved them a goodbye, about to walk out of the office when Charlotte jumped and hugged her tight. Lilia came over too and hugged her, purely causing her feel completely uncomfortable with a hug.

"You don't wave" Charlotte said, removing a little stick note "My number. You can always contact me and I hope you survive with 8 guys in one house"

Grace took the paper in a nod, following behind Thibualt to his personal car. The ride to the airport was quite long, having to live the town, having to leave the town they were in to go to the Paris international airport itself.

"Finally" Thibualt said, checking her in "You are having a private flight. Just follow the flight attendant"

Grace nodded, waving at him "Goodbye, I don't like hugs"

"I figured that out" he chuckled "Nice having you here" he replied, waving back at her.

"Miss..." The flight attendant called out. Grace nodded and followed behind her, passing by a crowd of different passengers and heading to the white and golden private jet with the Italic writings of 'Masseria' on it.

"Nice" she commented in a low tone, boarding the plane.

5 mins later, she heard the intercom calmly telling her to buckle her seat belt. After a few tries, she finally did. She gripped the chair arms tightly, closing her eyes and thinking of anything else than being 40,000 feets above the ground.

"Miss Masseria, would you like a blanket?" The flight attendant asked.

"Umm.... sure, thanks" she replied, taking the purple blanket and covering her body with it.

She glanced around the jet and wondered, having a little weird feeling of travelling all alone in such a big jet. She hoped for the best as she closed her eyes again and fell into deep slumber waiting for her arrival in a new country, having a new family and in a whole new vibe.

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