26, 25 (Part II)

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"DINNER TIME" Grandma shouted in a lighter tone, walking away from the commotion at their corner.

We strutted to the dinning room, having little conversations between ourselves. Aunt Yasmine, Maëlys and Quinn where all over me, gushing and commenting over my looks and my eyes. It felt nice being patted and treated like such.

I was about to seat down next to Riordan and Anwen but I was caught off guard by my cousins complaining.

"I want to seat next to Kara" Kiley stated. He was my age and from Severo's words, he was the most patted La Masseria as he was the youngest.

"She literally lives with them, she might as well seat next to us" Nowel complained too.

"Will you all just leave her in peace?" Grandma questioned "Come seat next to me"

I smiled awkwardly, walking over to seat in the middle of Grandma and Uncle Rowan while the boys grumpled. The maids served our dishes which were all traditional Italian and French cuisine. I thanked the maid as she placed my food in front me.

"So, Kara what do you do? What are your hobbies?" Uncle Dante questioned.

"Umm... I don't have many but I do enjoy singing and baking" I replied. I heard a little scowl from Maria's side but I just ignored it.

"I can still remember Abella's voice. Finally, I find one of her kids who took over that beautiful voice of hers" Aunt Quinn commented.

I glanced up at Riordan. No one knew he could sing like how he did and he did a good job hiding it, pretending he was unbothered by the fact they gush only about my voice.

"I heard there's a music festival at your school. You are participating right?" Cassio asked.

"Yeah... I'm participating with Jovie-"

"Rio's ex's cousin?" Kiley asked.

"How do you know about that?" Rio asked in a shock tone.

He shrugged. "How do you know her?" I asked.

"I've met her couple of times-"

I could already hear Ajani, Kiernan and Alro coughing in that suspicious way, making me chuckle. I knew what the all thought as Kiley evited their stares. Aunt Maëlys just chuckled while Uncle Mavis and Grandpa teased him.

"So what are you singing?" Dade asked.

"Stand up by Cynthia Eriko" I said.

"That's the song of that movie right? I've forgotten the title" Salvo asked.

"Yeah" I replied with a smile. We ate the dinner with an exciting atmosphere. Grandpa was quite funny though he didn't know that he actually was when he spoke and grandma was really sarcastic.

I looked up from my dessert, watching as Casey excused herself to the restroom. She had barely eaten because of her diet and so was she not allowed to have dessert.

"Excuse me. I have to go to the restroom" I said with a small pressed smile. Uncle Rowan nodded back with a smile, matching that of his mother, Grandma.

I stood up, leaving the dinning room in it's nice funny and cool atmosphere. The night was cool and quite breezy, I strutted up trying to find Casey and finally found her not to far away from the dinning room; she stood at the balcony at the end of hall way, having a direct view to the field of lavenders outside.

"Casey" I called out walking up to her.

"Leave" she said in a cold harsh tone.

"Why did you say all those mean things about me?" I asked, standing a few meters away from her "Did you actually mean them?"

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