A Sleepover!

496 19 22

no ones POV

it was a fryiday and school had just ended Tommy waited out side of the school for all of his friends, he was leaning agenst a wall looking down at his phone


Hey, Dream where are you guys?
look up from your phone and you might see us

Tommy looked up and saw dream gogy sapnap and ranboo standing in frount of him

tommy: oh there you guys are

Dream: dude we have been standing here for the last 5 minutes -_-

Sap: yeah

Tommy: whatever, wheres everyone else?

Gogy: they started walking to the Tree house

Tommy: oh, are we haveing a sleepover tonight

sapnap: yeah

tom: alright lets go

the five boys started walking twords the woods behind the school, they walked for almost a half an hour when they arived to a tree. and fromfirst glance it looks like a normal tree but then you look up and you see the tree house, now there was a ladder but it was in the tree house and the tree house was more the 15 feet in the air so someone had to do parkor to get the ladder but lucky for the boys tubbo and everyone was already there and let the ladder down for them.

dream: so witch one of you did the parkor to get up here?

purpled: i did because tubbo failed

Sapnap: how did tubbo fail this time?

Deo: he was half way up then he fell

Purpled: i caught him though

tubbo: lets just change the subject

tommy: so what do you guys wanna do?

Ranboo: we could play dare bottle

Dream: lets play that later when its night time

Sapnap: we walked for a little while lets all just go into our rooms and rest

way ahead of you gogy yelled from his room

side note
there are 3 rooms two of the rooms had 5 people one room had two people but sometimes 4
room 1: tubbo tommy ranboo purpled deo
room 2: dream gogy sapnap karl quackity
room 3 : skeppy bad and somtimes wilbur and techno

tommy purpled tubbo ranboo and deo walked twords there room. there where two bunk beds and one matters (they played games to see who got the matters and seo won) tubbo slep on the top bunk and ranboo sleeps on the bottom bunk and on the other bed tommy slep on the top and purpled slept on the bottom

tommy climed up to his bed and purpled jumped onto his

Tommy: do you have to jump onto your bed evertime?!?

Purpled: yes, yes i do

Tommy: you know, it shakes the whole bed

Purpled: yeah ik

Tommy: then stop

Purpled: no

Tommy grabed one of his pillows and leaned over the rail and threw the pilloe at purpled head

Purpled: your so inmuture

Tommy: Yeah cuz your so much better

Purpled: yeah i am

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