I'm So Tired....

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Hi guys. its me your creator of ~I Thought You Hated Me~ or Childhood Enimes To High School Sweetheart's if youve been here a long time.

I just wanna say thank you for the support over the fast couple of month's, your guys comment's have ment a lot to me, its my motavation to keep writing!

And I love writing its my fav thing to do, I love it more then anything right now!

But ive been having a horribal time latle, My grades in school are slipping, im failing 4 classes, People at school are picking on me, my parent's are going through a divorce right now, Ive had to take on a parent role for my sibling's.

But Im trying, I really am trying but wrighter's block has got me in a chokehold and I'm losing my motavation to do anything latle, and I can try but all i feel right now and for a while now ive felt numb.

I'm just so tired of staring at a blank screen for hour's trying to write a book i lost intrest in writing in age's ago. I'm just tired of pretending for people, I'm Sorry.

nothing makes me happy anymore, but writings an escape. I'm sorry but i'm gonna foucs on up coming book's, ill get back to this book i swear but it might take a while. thank you again for all of the support! ill see you next time :)

Word's: 251
And this is Ace Sighing off

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