\ Night 1/ 2 & day 1

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side note: purpled has had a crush on tommy for the longest time and toldf dream aboiut it so dream came up with the idea to make them sleep in the treehouse/// this one is a little more cringe and also in my au punz did pass away/// also when they get to the tree house its 1 am

tommy: this room is so much smaller then i thought

Purpled: and its worst that this is the only room beside the kichin and bathroom

Tommy: yeah but what are we gonna do about the bed

Purpled: i mean you have to sleep on the ground

Tommy: what! why cant you sleep on the ground

Purpled: your dare you have to sleep on the ground for tonight

Tommy: oh yeah...

Purpled: ill give you en extra pillow

Tommy: thanks

purpled handed tommy a few extra pillows and blankets and they both made a fort for tommy to sleep in

purpled handed tommy a few extra pillows and blankets and they both made a fort for tommy to sleep in

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this is what the fort looked like
tommy layed in the fort and purpled layed in the bed

Tommy: well this is much more unconftable then i thought it would be

purpled: damn, i have like 5 pillows up here i can give you another

Tommy: sure

purpled handed tommy another pillow

Tommy: ok im gonna go to bed now so good night purp

Purpled: Purp?

Tommy: i hear tubbo calling you that all the time so i just kinda got used to it

purpled: oh ok, well good night "Tom" *mimicking*

Tommy: whatever just go to bed

purpled: ok good night

Tommy: good night
the next morning 9am

purpled woke up to tommy makeing some brefast

Tommy: oh your up

good moring purpled said barly awake

tommy: morning

purpled: what are you making?

Tommy: im making some eggs and toast, do you want any?

Purpled: sure

tommy walk over with two plates he gave one to purpled and sat down in his fort and ate his

Purpled: this is accly really good, who taught you how to cook?

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