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No one's POV
The group of high school boy's and Ponk, sam and Foolish stood infount of the tall tree. "How tf are we supposed to get Tommy up there?" Dream said pointing up to the treehouse, "Oh right, I frogot to tell you guys but me and Eret Built somthing" Sam says as he climes up a tree that was next to the treehouse. He climes down with a swing? "Its a carrier, We can put tommy here and pull him up" I he says. "Ohhhhhh" they all said in unison.

Purpled picked tommy up and put him on the sing. "alright Ill clime up and pull him up" Pupled said, "Yeah And Ill go with you casue we both know your weak as hell" Deo Said with a smirk, Purpled just glared at him "FIne not that I need your help or anything"

Deo and Purpled climbed up the tree and got to the treehouse, they pulled Tommy up as the others made their way up to the treehouse, once their all up their, their all looking at the treehouse.

It has dust everywhere, but all they could see right now was the main room, the table isn't he middle was dusty, and same with all of the chairs, the mattress that were in the ground has dust as well (if your confused to why their is mattress in the living room re read the last few chapters)

"This place needs a re do" Sapnap said, "Agreed" Dream said. "Well it's getting late and we have no supplies so let's come back tomorrow to clean and re do the place ok?" Sam said staring to clime down, everyone agreed and got down, (Don't worrie Dream and sapnap helped Tommy down)



I swept the dust off the floor in the room me Deo, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo shared as Ranboo and Deo wiped down the walls, dream was sweeping in his (and Quackity,Karl,George and Sapnaps) room, as Quackity and Karl wiped down walls and Sam, Ponk, Sam, George, Sapnap and Tubbo cleaned the main room, Tommy sat on one of the beds that had already been vacuumed.

"I wanna hellllp" Tommy complained "That's nice" I said still sweeping, "there has to be somthing I can help with" Tommy said crossing his arms "Well you could sit their and look pretty how bout that" I said with a smile

He frowns and pulls out his phone, we all continue to clean, and after about three hours e have got all the dust out.

"so should we decorate it now?" Dream askes "Can I help?" Tommy says "I think he could help with sticking random stickers to the walls" Sapnap said "Yeah I'll do it" Tommy said just wanting to help

"Alright then Tommy and Tubbo you guys are gonna do stickers, Purpled and Ranboo you can hang the fake vines around, Me and Sapnap will hang some stuff from the celling, let's see Karl you and Quackity can hang the curtains up, ponk, Sam and Foolish you guys can move the beds back into the rooms" Dream says "what about us?" George says referring to him and Deo, "idk sleep ig" The two thought about it, "works for us" They said walking back to the room to go to sleep.

"Well let's get started!" Karl exclaimed, everyone split into groups and started to do their own thing, "alright Ran let's hang up some fake vines" I said grabbing the box of fake vines we had brought (They brought a bunch of shit to decorate the treehouse)

Me and ran hung vines in a certain pattern, so it was, two vines hanging down, then one stretched like a banner, then two going down Ect.


Me and Tubbo stuck a bunch of stickers to the walls. "Reamber when we made the gun wrapper wall in Mr shafers rooms ithiut him knowing?" Tubbo said

"Oh yeah everyone blamed that one annoying girl grace right?" "yeah" Tubbo said with a. Smile "Remember when You fake dated the guy who used to bully you, so that he could make his ex jealous" Tubbo said. (This happened to me XD, tell me if y'all want to hear that story)

"oh yeahhhh, why did he chose me again?" I asked remembering the three weeks we "dated" "it's cause you are good at acting especially in middle school" he replied.

"Oh my god your ember the break up" I said laughing a Su think back to it. Tubbo smiled "It wa so cringy" He said with a big smile. "Hey —-said I could break up with him any way I wanted so I did" I said sticking a sticker to the wall.

"Yeah but you used the clingiest lines know to man" Tubbo said looking away from me. "Look the lines "it's not you it's me" and "this is the end of the chapter not the book" WERE FUNNY AD HEL IN THE MOMENT" I yelled.

"Oh my god you remember how you had to rehearse the break up in the school yard with all of his friends??" Tubbo said "Yeah that was horrible" I smiled "I'm just glad it's over" Tubbo said

"The relationship?" I said "no Middle school" he said "yeah I guess I am a little glad as well..."

Still Tommy's pov

"This looks great!" Karl said, everything was one theme, lost in the middle of the woods, that's what it felt like to be in there.

"Hey guys?" Deo said and we Al turned to look at him "What's up?" Dream asked, "we should recreate this photo" he said handing the photo to Dream.

It was a photo of all of us in here for the first time after we finished building it 5 years ago. "You still have this?" Tubbo said, "yeah I always keep it in my phone case"

"Well let's do it then!" Sapnap exclaimed. We all got into positions and Sam, Oonk and Foolish stood behind the camera and were the ones taking photos (in the original photo ponk Sam and foolish wornt there)

We set the before and after photo side by side, we had changed so much, there were new things in the second photo like my wings but, their was one person missing from the photo.....Punz, he was in the back with Sapnap but in the scones photo it's just a blank space.


THATS THE END, I'm im so sorry for not posting I got grounded for like two weeks, but also end of term is coming up in about a week and I haven't been able to log in offten bacuse if that, sorry! But I should be free to upload a chapter every other week!! And with that have a good day/ Night/ Morning/ evening!!!

Word count: 1155

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