"Why Are you here?"

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(Time skip to like a month after Eret left for his bissness trip, and if you dont know what im talking about go to the chapter titled purpled confession, And if you think you remeber just doulble cheack bc I as the creator frogot what happened and had to re-read my entire book so LOL and way ENJOY)

Purpled's POV
Tommys been getting a lot better, He's able to walk but not without help from someone, but he's learning, Were both still passing all our classes, Eret left about a month ago for his trip, but that only means that tommy has one more month before hes offically allowed to go back to school. But today's a diffrent day, A day not many would think is specal. Today's Setember 17th, its a saturday, But me and Tommy arnt going to do what we uslly do, No, Todays the three year aniversity of Punz death. so we were going to stop by his grave.

"Tommy, you ready to go?" I asked as i slipped one of punz's old hoodies on. :yeah, lets go" tommy said as he rolled up besides me (tommys in a wheelchair) As we left the house We walked over to the cematary (its like a 15 minute walk) I placed a bokay of Red roses next to his grave, and sat down. I told tommy to wait a few feet away.

"Hey Brother" I said to the grave. "Its been three years, Its been...Its been somthing.... Some good, Some bad... Mom died A year after you, and dad drank a lot more after that...... I left, I havent seen him seance, And I hope I never see him again..." I rested my head on the top of this gravestone. "You rember that boy I kept telling you about? The one who drove me insain evertime I heard His voice?" I paused for a seconed. "His names Tommy, And here here with me, Were dating" I say as I look over to Tommy who is admairing a Flower. "Crazy right? I hated him, He hated me! But here we are like 10 years I think, Dateing."

I stared down to my feet. "I really miss you, Like a lot.." I said tears forming in my eyes, But i quickly wipe them away. "Its been hard to live without you, you know. But I think i'll be ok, I still got tubbo, Ranboo and Dream and his friends. But its just not the same without you, Mom and I split all your stuff between us, and a few of your friends got a hoddie or jacket. But After mom died all your stuff and her's went to me. I Grew out of most of them, but I think I have at least 2-3 more years till I grow out of the oversized one's, This one's My favirot though" I said Looking down at the hoodie, It had Punz's name on the frount and on the back with bold letters had the word "Quarterback" With the Number 18 under it.

Everyone on the football team got a hoodie/jacket that had their name in the frount their positon and number on the back, And Punz was the QB. "I remeber me and mom showed up to every game" I stoped for a seconed. "It's cause of you that im gonna try out in once I get back to school, I mean you were-" I was cut off mid sentance By tommy screaming, "Purpled, Its your father!!" I was confused, untill I saw him, Walking up to where I was.

hE walked up and stood infrount of me looking me up and down, I stood up and looked him in the eyes. "Why are you here?!" I asked, His face angered me, Him being here angered me. "What am I not alowed to see My oldest son's Grave?" He said Placeing a bokay of Tulips on his grave. "Oh so he's your son now? Last I cheaked we were the "things" that ruined your life, We wornt your son's when he was alive, But now that he's dead he's everthing to you?" I said in anger, disbelife. "Listin you little shit, Thats My son so you have no say if im here or not" HE said taking a step twords me. "OH he's your son really? If he was "your son" Then you would know he hates tulips becuase of you, YOu had those damn flowers all around the house, He got sick of them, Everytime you put your hands on us, or mom He had to see those stupid, stupid flowers" I said as I crushed them under my foot.

"Oh cause you knew Punz so well" He said rolling his eyes. I went silent for a few seconeds. "See you cant even name anything about him can you?" He says with that stupid smirk. "Punz was the Qb for the football team, All his teammates loved him, He dated a girl named Amy but they broke up after 6 months cause she saw him showing our cosin around the school, HIs favirto color is red, His favirot flower is roses, His best friend was Sapnap, He loved to read, He was always top of his classes, He got moved up a grade in middle school, He was crowned Prom king when he was in his freshmen year, And he wanted to be a police office for the last what 6 years now? And He fucking hates your guts" I said tears forming in my eyes. But instead of wiping them away, i just let them stream down my face.

Tommy's POV

I watched as Purpled and his father argued, Purpled had started crying at this point. I pulled out my phone and dilled Sapnap's number. After a few rings He picks up, "Tommy Im in Math right now is somthign wrong?" (Just ignor how I said it was Saturday eirler 😭) He says, "Me and Purpled went to vist Punz grave, Its the three year mark of his death" I started. "Im aware Im gonna stop by after School, WHy did you call?" He asked again. "Purpled's Dad showed up, I thnik things might get physical" I said, It went silent on the other line, "Sap-" "Were on our way right now, call sam and Ponk and foolish tell them to meet us there" ANd with that he hung up.

I looked up And purpled has tears streaming down his face, I TExted Sam, Ponk and Foolish to come quixkyl. I cant do anything right now exepte for wait, I looked around but i couldent see anyone, but from purpled direction I hear a Slap, I turn my head and purpled is on the ground, Unconsis Shit.

Just then two cars pulled up along with two police cars. Two office from each car got out with guns pointed at me, Purpled and his father. Dream and the other got out from the other cars and stayed ehind the cars. I put my hands in the air, Their not gonna shoot me are they? "Hands In the air! This is D.S.P.D!!" (Dream smp police deprment)

Purpled's dad slowly turn around with his hands in the air. Two police offices Went up to him. As they put cuffs on him sapnap and the rest of them ran up to me."Tommy are you ok, are you hurt?" Dream said placeing his hand on my shulder, "I-im Fine But is prupled ok?!!" I said in panic. We all look over to purpled, but instead we overhear the police's convertation, "Send an iditanal unit and and abulance, We have a unconisi Male about age from 16-18"

My heart sank, I turned to Sapnap. "He's going to be ok, right?" I said hoping for an answer. "Ill see" He said as he walked over to one of the police.

Sapnap's POV

I walked over to one of the police offices. "Excuse me sir" I said, he turned to me "You cant be here right now" He said. "Office Im just trying to see, The Boy right threr, in the black hoodie that says Punz on it, Yeah we'll That kids like a brother to me, His name is Grayson bedwars, but we call him purpled, Is he going to be ok?" I asked. The officeer looked at me then to Purpled. "He'll be fine we just need to take him to the hospital to make sure nothing else happened" He says as he walkes off.

God these police officers are dumb as hell, I thought as i walked back to tommy and the others. "Well?" Dream asked. "He's going ot be fine, their just going t take him to the hospital to make sure he's ok.

(Time skip to when their in the hospital and purpleds awake and the explained what happned to him)
(let me set the sean for you real quick, Purpled has a few things hooked up to him, two police officers are standing at the hospital room door, Dream, Sapnap and George sat on the right said of Purpled as Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo sat on the Left side)
Purpled's POV

"Where my dad right now then?" I asked The police officer who had introuced him self as Ashton Wingburge, He looked to his partner Ava Cross. "He has been detained" HE says, I shighed "Finnaly, He's going to jail right?" I ask. And to that He answered with "Most likly, And just a random question, Why were you at the cematary?" HE askes. "I was visting my brothers grave, today marks three years without him, Then my dad showed up and did this" i replied.

__ time skip__

AFter a few hurs I was discharged from the hospital. I drove In a car with Sapnap, Tommy, Karl and Quackity. We all decited to go back to the treehouses after a two months of not being there.

HI Thats all, I hope you enjoyed! Im so So so Sorry it took so long and that their was a lot of stalling but Im happy to be posting this! And Please do look at some of my other book's I worked really hard on them, And if you have time Please follow my other account its NOTUNOBUTDOS It's a shared account between me and my best friend and were writing a book together so Keep that in mind! But Untill next Week this is it! Have a good day, Night, Evening, Afternoon, Thanks for reading - Your author Ace <3

WOrd count: 1764 words.

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