Tommy & Purpled ///announcement

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(ok random but in my Au Tommy sees Eret and Floolish as his brothers and Purpled sees Ponk and Sam as his, Ponk sam ans Folish have been away with eret//and yes Ponk Sam and Folish are dating)

8 am when everone woke up tommy and purpled where still asleep

Karl: honstly i didnt ever thing this was gonna happen i mean tommy and purpled enimes sence elementry but lovers in in high school who wouldev guessed

Dream: i feel likke did

George: oh yeah..

Drream held his hands out to everyone in the feral boys

Dream: pay up boys

Damnmit quackity said handing dream 50$

You just got lucky Sapnap said handing him 50$

Karl and George just haned dream the money with no comments

Dream: thanks guys

Sapnap: whatever

tommy woke up to dream and sapnap biciering

Tommy: ughhghhgh

Karl: oh Morning tom

Tommy: good moring Karl

Dream: moring tom how did you slee-

Dream got a text from sombody

Dream: wait let me see whos texting me

Dream pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that Ph1lza was texting him

; its phil..?

Tommy: what dose he want

Dream: he wants to meet us tonight

Tommy: tell him that Eret and foolish must come aswell or its a no

Purpled: and Ponk and sam

Tommy: when did you wake uup

Purpled: i woke up an hour ago but went back to sleep then i woke up 10 minutes ago

Tommy: oh ok

Dream: he said that they can come

Tommy: where dsoe he wanna meet?

; his and technos house

Purpled: thats a trap

Dream: clearly

Tommy: tell him where meeting at the old oak tree

Dream: the one down the road from out school?

Tommy: yeah that one

Dream: he said meet there at 8:30pm

Tommy: alright

about 10-20 minutes later they hear Erte calling for them to let down the lader, they let the lader down and Eret, Ponk, Folish and sam climed up

Tommy: FOLISH!

Tomy tryed to stand but fell down

Folishe walked over to tommy and hugged him

Folish: You have winges!

Tommy: Yeah!

Folish: when did you get them

Tommy: yesterday accly

Folish let go to tommy and scotted back to look him in the eyes

Folish: but how are the that size already

Eret: i did some reserch last night and somone must have gave him anti-growth syeram so his wings would not come out of his back but would contine growing and they wornt ever spposed to come out but with tommys range and everthig happing around him he was able to push his wings out

Sam: oh my

Ponk: tommy how are you feeling now

Tommy: im great big man

Ponk: thats good

Dream: Phil wants to meet us to ngiht

Eret: yeah if im not there the no one go-

Dream: he said we could take you guys aswell

Eret: oh in that case i guess its fine

Eret walked over to tommy

Eret: tommy we need to replace your bandeges

Tommy: alright

Eret took off the bandegs and put new ones on

Eret : i also made a shirt and hoodie that you can wear so your winges can be out

Tommy: Can i see them!


Eret grabes a jackte and a shirt out from his bag
(sorry i counlt find a photo but it had holes in the back that are big enough for tommys wings)

Tommy: woah thouse are cool how long did this take to make?

Eret: 2 hours i think

Tommy: im gonna put them on

tommy ounce agian tryed to stand but fell over

Purpled: do you want me to carry you over to the room?

Tommy: yes..

Purpled picked tommmy up bridals stayl and took him into the room and went out and closed the door behind him

a few miunts later tommmy yelled for purpled to come back into the room


im so sorry but i am ending the chapter here

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