Chapter Six

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The next day I intentionally laid in bed a little too long, waiting until I heard both Joan and Ruth head downstairs, then I went over into Ruth's room.  Searching Ruth's room was far from a difficult chore, everything was perfectly organized so, despite shelves full of books, I knew the newest one would be out in the open.  It took mere minutes to find it on her nightstand and write down the title: A Guide to Protective Herbs.  For someone with secrets, my cousin was terrible at deception. 

Once I had the title written down I went to my mom and asked to borrow the car to get the sequel to the book I bought last time, even though I hadn't actually had time to begin the book.  It was a testament to how mad mom was at Helen that as soon as I said, "I just need out of the house for a bit," she let me take the car, even though I only got my license a week before the summer started.

It had been a lie to get my mom to let me leave the house, but it really did feel nice to have some time by myself after the weeks with my cousins.  As I got closer to the bookstore, I found myself feeling nervous and I couldn't tell if it was my fear that I would be attacked again without my cousins to protect me or if I was excited at the possibility of seeing Lennox again.  It might have been a combination of both, because when I got out of the car, I checked my mirrors first for any dangerous people hanging around, then to make sure that I looked okay.

I was only inside for a minute when Lennox found me.  "That was fast," they said cheerfully without bothering with an introduction.  "Did you like the book?"

"Yeah," I lied feeling my heart flutter in my throat.

"Good!  I could recommend some others if it interests you?"  

"Yeah," I tried to seem relaxed, "that'd be cool."

"Ok what did you like about it?  I can try to pick something similar?"

"Umm," I paused hesitantly, "I don't know I-" I felt them watching me, waiting for an answer.  "I'm going to be honest because you seem really nice, but I haven't had a chance to finish the book yet.  Actually, I haven't had a chance to start it, but I was wondering if you knew anything about like herbs?"  I could tell that was a bit ramble-y but they didn't seem to mind.

They leaned in close enough that I could feel the warmth of their cheek by mine and their breath on my ear when they spoke, "are you trying to get me to sell you drugs?"

I turned beat red and audibly gasped.  "N-No no".

They laughed, "No judgement I just don't smoke."

"I meant like actual herbs... I think." 

They rose their right eyebrow and gave me a curious look, "you think?"

"I'm going to sound crazy, but my cousin came in here and bought a book of protective herbs and I kind of wanted to see it because she's been acting weird," I could tell the story seemed off even as the words left my mouth.

"Sure," they were doing their best to take it in stride, "do you know the title?"

I handed over the slip of paper and they quickly directed me to the shelves.  They picked up the book and handed it to me, "I get it, like witchcraft herbs." 

I looked down at the cover, "what do you mean witchcraft?"

"That's what this is for," they said opening another copy and pointing to an introduction on herbs in wiccan ritual.  "Are you like really religious and afraid of your witchy cousin or something?"

"No," I said, defeated.  "I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish here."

They pulled out their phone and glanced at it, "I have break right now, why don't I buy you a coffee and you can fully explain."

"Ok," I said putting the book back down on the shelf and we headed to the coffee shop next door.  Once we both had drinks, I told them everything that had happened since I arrived at my cousins' house with detours to explain the family history where needed.  In a matter of 20 minutes, I had told them more about myself than I had told anyone in a long time.  At the end their mouth hung open in shock.

"Shouldn't you be going to the police, not a bookstore?"

"Maybe?" I tried to examine their body language to see if they thought I was crazy.

"So, your cousin is trying to protect your other cousin with herbs, even though they have magic powers?"

"It sounds weird to you too, right?" I asked hoping that their disbelief was at the situation and not at me.

"I'm glad we met," they said excitedly, "this is going to make my summer so much more interesting."

I laughed, "if we live through it." I couldn't help but feel excited that they were implying we would be spending more time together this summer.

"No, my money is on good witches," they laughed as they said it, but the laugh didn't communicate disbelief.  "I'll have more research for you next time you come in."

"Good," I felt my hands starting to sweat, "hopefully I will be back very soon." I was aiming for flirty but worried it came across as obsessed with my witch-cousins instead.

They leaned across the table and for a second, I thought they were going to kiss me in the middle of the coffee shop.  "I hope so too."

Suddenly my awkwardness overtook me, and I pulled back.  "Hasn't this been like a really long break?"

"Yeah," they said getting up from the table, "luckily I'm a nepo-baby and my dad can't fire me, but I better go."

"See you later," I called after them and they waved.  Whether I found out more about my cousins or not, I knew that I would be venturing back to the bookstore to see Lennox again and that thought made this weird summer seem worth it.

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