Chapter Nineteen

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I tried harder after that to hide what I was doing from my mom so she wouldn't worry about me anymore, but every time looked up from a conversation with my cousins, she was watching me, and I knew I hadn't succeeded.  I would have avoided my cousins altogether, but we needed to plan and figure out what we were going to do before the electric man came onto the property to attack us.  Once armed with Aunt Maggie's advice we realized none of us knew all that much about electricity.  Our cellphones didn't get good internet service at the house so, Ruth suggested that we make a trip to the bookstore.  There was some initial reluctance seeing as every time we left the house, he managed to attack, but it was decided that if anyone could venture out it would be Ruth.  I begged to join and even though Joan and Ruth had been initially hesitant, Helen reminded them that I had been able to take care of myself both times that we ran into him, and they agreed I could go with her.  I was grateful Helen knew what it felt like to be trapped and that she was using that knowledge to make sure I got a taste of freedom every once in a while.

Mom also agreed seeing as her trust in Ruth had only grown throughout the summer.  Once in the car Ruth took up chatting with me as if this was a normal outing.  "Are you excited to see the cute salesperson?"  She asked laughing and trying but failing to throw in a wink.

I was nervous at her mentioning Lennox.  I considered telling her that Lennox knew about her powers but decided it wasn't a good time to bring it up.  I was afraid she wouldn't want me to speak to them at the bookstore if she knew, and I needed to tell them not to worry, so I just rolled my eyes, "I just like going to the bookstore."

"Whatever you say," she dropped it there. 

I didn't find her interest in my life as threatening as I once had so I decided to offer her more information, "Sue me, I'm just trying to see them one more time in case we die."  I laughed to indicate that I was joking but even to my own ears it felt forced.

Ruth looked uncomfortable at my joke, and I chastised myself for not remembering which cousin I was talking to.  Helen and Joan would have laughed.  After a pause she said, "actually about that."  She drew out the word "that" nervously.

I looked over at her and she was biting her lip, focused intently on the road, "yeah?"

"I told Miguel we were going to the bookstore, and he's going to meet us there.  Joan wouldn't like that anyone knew where we were going but I had to see him to say goodbye in case..." She let her sentence fall off like she did anytime death was mentioned but I understood what she was saying.  I also understood why my joke wasn't funny to her; Ruth really was preparing to die.

"And you want me to keep this between us?"  I asked, excited at the possibility of knowing something about Ruth that her sisters didn't know.

"If you wouldn't mind."

"Sure, why not?  I'm a pro at keeping secrets and I don't really like Joan anyway."

"You also can't tell Helen, she definitely is not a 'pro at keeping secrets'" Ruth laughed as she said this, and I could tell that she was relieved.

We pulled up to the bookstore and there was a guy with dark curly hair and round glasses leaning against his car in a way that seemed more awkward than cool.  He wore a Harvard t-shirt and khaki shorts.  I wasn't a fan of the outfit, but I was slightly impressed by Ruth's taste in men.  We hadn't even fully parked before he started walking excitedly up to the car as if he couldn't wait to see Ruth.  Once we stopped the car, he opened Ruth's door.  "Hey," he said as she climbed out and he enveloped her in a hug.  I tried to watch them without making it obvious and was surprised to see the way Ruth sank into him as if she had let go of the worry she had carried here from the house.  Ruth must have felt my eyes on her because she jumped back.

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