Heart-Shaped Whiskers

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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Weights sink into the mattress, starting around her legs and hips before slowly and cautiously moving upwards until they reach the sides of her head. A large hand took ahold of her wrists, which laid limp in front of her face in a comfortable position, moving them above her crown, causing her to turn onto her back with a small groan as she stirred. With brows pinched in irritation, Y/N opened her bleary eyes, peering through the darkness at a face that looked less blurred the more she blinked. It was the mismatched eyes that caught her attention first. She regarded the intruder with calmness, though she would admit her heart had jumped in slight shock.

     "Miss me?" Lorenzo smirked, flashing his fangs at her as his tail curled behind him. He was met with blank, tired eyes that blinked once then twice before her lips parted.

     "Not your breath." Turning her face away, the woman crinkled her nose and pushed at his face when he choked, loosening his hold on her hands. "There's a spare toothbrush under the sink. Use that then get into bed with me all you want," she mutters, still half asleep, before rolling over and closing her eyes again as she clutches the covers. The man gave a huff which was then followed by an amused smile as he got off the bed to go to the bathroom. When he returned a few minutes later, he returned to his earlier position above her body, waking her yet again. Before he could say anything, she gave a light sniff, which made his ear twitch as she smiled and opened her eyes partway, a clear act of mockery.

     "Much better." Lorenzo scoffs as she adjusts to the darkness, staring into his eyes, which gave her a little light from their soft glow. "You know, under any other circumstance, I would've kicked you in the balls, right? Don't you know not to hover over a lady when she's sleeping? What are you, my sleep paralysis demon?"

"Shut up." Y/N chuckled at his annoyance before shocking him by placing her arms behind his neck. Lorenzo's flattened ears perked as he stiffened a bit for a brief moment before she decided to pull him down beside her with a fair amount of strength. She stifled a laugh since she had caught him off guard and removed her hands, sliding them down his shoulders a bit before tucking them together near her head. Giving a sleepy grin, she speaks to the man in a soft voice.

"Sleep well, Lorenzo." His face felt faintly warmer than usual as she closed her eyes to go back to sleep. He was quiet for a little while, his thoughts still a bit confusing and jumbled but much clearer than when he had left the house earlier. Eventually, he spoke.

"Y/N?" The woman answered him with a tired hum.

"Maybe I am in love with you?"

"You're letting those cats get to your head," she retorts almost immediately, unfazed, only to be rudely flicked on the forehead and startled awake. Her hand flew up to her forehead to rub the spot as she gave the man a light glare.

"Ouch! Hey!" Her voice fell silent when she saw the serious look on his face before lowering her arm back where it was and breathing a soft yet curious sigh. "So, you mean it?" She asks calmly, causing Lorenzo to flatten his ears as he looks away, still a bit unsure. It's not like he was accustomed to this feeling. All of this was still fresh and new.

"I think so."

"Don't come at me with an 'I think so'. You do or you don't. According to you, I'm the first person to show you any decency. Could you just be confused because of that? You can't just claim to love someone. You have to mean it." Using her elbows, Y/N propped herself up, causing him to lift his head from the pillows as well.

     "How do I do that?" Y/N did not respond right away, thinking of ways he would be able to sort out his feelings. He seemed lost, and she was the only person he could really turn to for answers. She doubted the cats had much insight on the matter, though how would she know? Breathing out softly, the human laid back down, facing him still. "Do you get butterflies in your gut when you look at me?"

     "Sometimes," he admits, a bit embarrassed by how she phrased it.

     "Do I make you smile?"

     "You annoy the shit out of me mostly, but yes, sometimes." His answer had started out a bit rough, but his voice softened near the end, which brought a satisfied smile to her lips.

     "Ditto." Her grin grew bigger as she laughed, deepening the blush across his face as he laid his head down against the pillow. In that moment, she felt the urge to pinch his cheek, but knowing that wouldn't be received well, especially at a time like this, she kept the desire to herself; instead, she asked another question in a soft quiet voice.

     "Do you want to kiss me again?" Subconsciously, his gaze drifted to her lips, which had settled into a faint, nearly nonexistent smile, a relaxed look. Her jaw wasn't clenched with tension as she awaited his answer, and her eyes looked on at him half-lidded and tired. Unnoticeably, he gulped.

     "Yes," he breathes out. "I hate admitting it, but you made me feel safe earlier when you let me cry on your shoulder, and you've proved to me that you'd stick your neck on the line for those I care about, that you worry about me and my friends, my family. Whenever I'm around you, I tend to push away the feeling that I'm comfortable. I lie to myself because I don't want to trust you after everything I've been through, but at the same time, I can't help it either." She hums, finding his explanation sweet, yet heartbreaking.

     "Don't you think this is too soon? After all, we've only started getting friendly with each other. How do you know that you'll continue to like me?"

     "I don't."

     "Are you expecting an answer out of me, then? Are you curious if I feel the same?" When he looked at her, his eyes answered for him. They begged her. She's not sure if he even realized it. Regardless, she smiled warmly. "I don't know. You have your moments, sure, but you are still an ass." She raises her wrist that was bruised by him, turning his attention there. "And, you hurt me again." His ears flattened again as he stared at the dark mark in the shape of his hand. He had grabbed it too hard. It probably stung.

     "I'm sorry. I promise, I won't do that again. When I'm freaked out, I just..."

     "I get it. Like I said before, it's fight or flight when you're in that state. I tried to stop you from running, so that's all that was left in the arsenal, right?"

     "Yeah. Still..." When he started to look on-edge, she reached out and touched his chin, bringing his gaze back to her.

     "I forgive you." His face flushed as her lips touched his forehead, making his heart throb. It was a delicate kiss, but it still sent shivers down his spine. "Ask me again in the morning. I'm too tired to have any proper decision-making skills. Feel free to be hopeful, though." With no further words, Y/N nestled into the pillows and shut her eyes. Blinking out of his daze, Lorenzo found himself moving even closer to her form, though not quite touching.

     "How do you stay so calm?"

     "I'm a saint," she retorts sarcastically before yawning into her hand as the other covered his eyes. "Now, go to bed."

Y/N giggles when he slapped her hand away, hardly amused, before all settled, and as she fell asleep, Lorenzo moved even closer.

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