chapter 4

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The defeated team Rwby have been returned to Ozma's castle.

Ozma: I expected you to fail. I am not surprised. But Glynda, you I am disappointed in. 

Glynda looks down in shame.

Ozma: I suppose it was lucky Jnpr was there to save you fools.  Jaune. Have your people stay here, I want you to hunt the wolf.

Jaune nods. 

Ruby pouts but doesn't bother to argue. She has other more petty plans.

Meanwhile Y/n and Cinder get Mercury and Emerald some medical help.

They make it back to Beacon and rest up in their dorm. 

Mercury: We got our butts kicked.

Cinder: Y/n didn't.

Emerald: I'm pretty sure the blonde would  have killed me if Y/n didn't stop her.

Y/n: They have been a team longer then us. Once we learn to work together we can win. 

Cinder: Y/n is right. We need to work together! Starting tomorrow let's focus on training.

A few days later Jaune is to meet with Ozma regarding hunting Y/n down. 

Jaune walks into Ozma's throne room. He notices a figure next to Ozma.

Jaune: You wanted to see me?

Ozma: Yes. I want to introduce you to Peter Port.  He helped me put an end to these wolves.

Port: It seems I missed one though. But fear not, you will help me fix it. 

Ozma: I assume that you have come up with a plan to lure him out, Jaune?

Jaune: Yeah. He's a hero. And all heroes love trying to save innocent people.  So we lay some bait.

Ozma: Tell me more.

It didn't take long for Jaune to get his plan together.

Salem requests Y/n to appear in her office.

Y/n goes up the elevator and walks into her office.  

Salem: Ah, Y/n. Good to see you. I wish it was for better reasons.  But it appears you have attracted some unwanted attention.

Y/n: Whatever it is. I am ready for it. 

Salem shows Y/n a scroll that has a paused video. 

Y/n presses play. He can see Jaune with a hostage tied to a chair.

Jaune: Wolf. Let me make this quick. You come to the corrodinates locked into this scroll, alone. If you don't the hostage dies.

The video ends.

Y/n: Well, he made it quick.

Salem: It's a trap.

Y/n: Obviously. But my mother taught me that one day I would have a challenge.

Y/n walked out with the scroll in hand.  He went to the coordinates to see Jnpr and Port with their hostage tied to a chair.

Jaune: Good. You showed up.

Y/n: Just like you wanted.

Jaune: Port.

Port chuckles and lifts his weapon up.

Y/n gets ready to dodge but suddenly Nora and Ren charge at him. 

The two keep Y/n distracted for a minute.

Port: Once we get him to transform. I can handle the rest.

Jaune: Pyrrha. With me.

Pyrrha and Jaune join the battle.

Y/n begins to find himself getting overwhelmed and it doesn't take long for him to transform and smack everyone away.

Port fires his weapon and the pellets rip into Y/n's flesh. 

But unlike normal, Y/n can't seem to heal.

Port: Silver pellets. Always works on healing factors.

Y/n growls as Jnpr charges for him once more.

Nora goes for a hammer swing but Y/n catches the hammer and kicks her away. Ren dives onto Y/n and tries to stab him from above.  Y/n catches Ren and throws him off.

Pyrrah slashes at Y/n who sticks to dodging the attacks. This continues until Jaune joins in and slashes.

Y/n dodges that slash and takes his own slash at Jaune who blocks with his shield.

Y/n can feel the silver affecting his body. He never knew of this weakness.

Port fires once again into Y/n's backside. Y/n roars in pain as he falls to one knee.

Nora swings her hammer against Y/n's skull and sends him flying and crashing onto the ground.

Port approaches the downed Y/n who struggles to get up.

Port: I hunted down dozens of your kind. And with you dead, the last of it.

Port kicks Y/n in the side to flip him onto his back.

Port: It is a shame really. The wolves picked the wrong side. 

Port aims and fires his weapon into Y/n's chest point blank. The gun rips the top layer of flesh off of Y/n, leaving mostly muscle.

Y/n unleashes a massive roar of pain as he can't even move anymore.

Port: I think it is time to end this now.

Port aims towards Y/n's head. But before he can pull the trigger he hears rapid footsteps coming towards him.

A figure lunges out of the bushes and kicks Port away. Port immediately recognized the figure.

Port: Tyrian. *scoffs* The scorpion.

Tyrian: Sorry fatso. I can't let you kill him.

Jnpr ready their weapons.

Tyrian: Come on then kids! Show me what you can do!

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