chapter 7

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It was an average day for people at Beacon academy.  But the students would soon hear the sound of thunder as a bolt lands in the middle of the academy.

Thor and co appear and start causing chaos. Which is quickly met with a response from Roman who shoots a flare at Thor who blocks it.

Roman: Now-now. No need to wreck the place. If it is a fight you want, I will be happy to oblige.

Tyr: You aren't who we want, Roman. We want the wolf!

Roman: *sarcasticly* Why? Because his father took your hand?

Tyr growls.

Thor: So it is Fenrir's son! This will really be fun! But we can't waste time on you.

Rwby appears jumping high above Thor and co as they lunge towards Roman who dodges and begins to fight with the four. 

It doesn't take very long for Y/n's team to arrive to fight.

Thor sees them and can immediately tell that Y/n is there.

Thor: I see you! Son of Fenrir!

Thor charges towards them and the rest follow. 

Thor throws his hammer which collides with Mercury and sends him flying into a wall. With a snap of Thor's fingers the hammer returns into his hands.

Y/n lunges and collides his bat against Thor's skull. However the strike didn't seem to affect him and with one hammer strike Thor sends Y/n flying up in the air.

Y/n crashes back down just in time to see Cinder and Emerald start to fight with Heimdall and Baldur.

He sees Tyr approach him.

Tyr: I have been hoping for a moment like this for a while. Your father was a pain. But now I get to kill you!

Tyr reveals his metal hand with claws.

Tyr goes to stab Y/n who rolls away and kicks Tyr in the legs to knock him down.

Y/n gets up and transforms into his first form.

Thor: You will need to be a great wolf for this, trust me.

Y/n didn't respond.

Thor: Don't tell me you don't know how?!  Oh come on! This will be boring now.

Y/n growls and charges at Thor who easily and effortlessly knocks Y/n away.

Thor: I must admit. Your old man almost had us a few times. If he killed us, his people would've been safe. But we are tough and slippery. 

Thor swings his hammer in the air and thunder drops onto Y/n which makes him roar in pain.

Thor: Now lets see how much you can take!

Thor keeps the thunder booming as each bolt hits Y/n dead on.

As Rwby continue to fight Roman, Ruby breaks off and aims her sniper at Y/n who keeps getting hit by thunder.

Ruby pulls out a syringe and loads it into her weapon.

Ruby: This should wake you up, wolfie.

Ruby fires and the syringe hits and the contents enter Y/n.

Y/n's eyes goes wide as he receives a burst of energy and anger. This prompts a massive howl and him to transform into a great wolf.

Thor laughs as he sees Y/n transform.

Thor: Perfect! Just what I needed!

Y/n swipes at Thor who blocks the blow and pushes the paw away.

Thor throws his hammer at Y/n who is hit in the jaw. The blow didn't do much as Y/n went for a bite. Thor dodged and the battle continues to rage on.

Emerald is fighting Heimdall but finds herself completely outmatched. Heimdall knows every move before she does.  Heimdall uses a very elegant approach, almost like a dance as he dodges and fights.

Cinder isn't having any luck with Baldur. He is more experienced and any attack she makes does not seem to phase him at all.

The battle continues until a fireball sends Tyr flying forward. Salem appears.

Salem: You will leave this place!

Salem shoots a green beam at Baldur who gets sent flying.

Thor: And the witch shows up to ruin the fun.

Heimdall dodges a few beams of magic from Salem.

Heimdall: Perhaps it is in our best interest to leave. We don't have a time limit.

Thor sighs

Thor: Fine. We can back off.

Thor swings his hammer and thunder appears around the whole academy as Rwby disappeared along with the hunters.

Y/n reverts back to his normal form.

Little did Ruby know that she taught Y/n exactly how to transform. How to feel in order to do so.

Y/n sees the syringe on the ground and a rose petal rests on top of it.

Y/n knows now that there is indeed a threat to him. And now he must train in order to defeat it.

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