chapter 11

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Y/n's team is in class. Roman is taking volunteers for a sparing match. Y/n of course is happy to volunteer. Another raises their hand.

Cardin: I'll take a crack at it.

Cardin gets his weapons and enters the arena.

Y/n takes a few practice swings with his bat.

Cardin readies his mace.

Cardin: You ready?

Y/n: Whenever you are.

Cardin smirks and the battle begins. He goes for a swing and it is met with Y/n's bat.

They keep swinging and countering each swing. Both of them looking for an opening.

They eventually break off from one another.

Y/n: Good.

Cardin: This is getting fun.

Cardin and Y/n charge at each other once more and exchange blows. Both blows send the other backwards.

They both regain their footing and the fight continues. But both are so focused on fighting that they don't realize where they are in the arena.

Roman: Y/n L/n wins! By ring out!

The two hear this and Cardin notices that his foot is indeed outside the arena.

Cardin: Damn. If that was a real fight, I should watch where I step.

Y/n puts his bat away.

Y/n: That was fun, let's do it again sometime.

Cardin: Alright then.

The two go back to their seats.

The day goes on as normal. Y/n's team are then sent on a search and rescue mission. Some dust miners got stuck in a mine and it is their job to save them. The team approaches the mine entrance.

Cinder: Alright. This shouldn't be too hard. We got the ropes?

Emerald: Right here.

Mercury: Why do they need us for this?

Cinder: In case any Grimm went down there as well.

Mercury: You'd think a mine like this would have better security.

Cinder: The security is inside securing the area for us.

Y/n: If that were true, we wouldn't be here. We should stay on guard. There is something we aren't being told about this mission.

The team enters the mine. As they enter they find themselves st a security checkpoint.

The security team lets them past with zero issues.

They go deeper into the mine.

They notice that the mine has managed to entered some ancient ruins.

Emerald: Hey, Y/n! I think this place belonged to your people.

Y/n looks at a wall and sees two large wolves in battle with another figure with a spear drawn onto the wall.

Y/n: It would seem so. But we don't have time to figure it out. We have people to save.

Cinder: Agreed.

The team keeps moving forward. Eventually they find dead bodies, smashed into the ground. Some have large bite marks.

Y/n: We found them.

Mercury: Sucks that we couldn't make it in time.

Some rumbling could be heard ahead of them, giant wolf statues walked forward.

Cinder: What are those?!

Mercury: Obviously some sort of guard dogs.

Emerald: Wait! Y/n, turn into a great wolf!

Y/n: Alright.

Y/n transforms into a great wolf. The two statues look at him. They then turn around and walk back towards where they came from.

The team follows them. They are lead to a large room housing a single spear. The spear sits in a large stone.

Y/n transforms back to human as he looks at the walls.

The walls show a tale, but Y/n has issues deciphering the tale.

Y/n: Anyone got any ideas?

Cinder and Mercury shrug their shoulders.

Emerald: I think I can figure it out.

Emerald looks across the wall.

Emerald: It starts with two wolves, they find other wolves and lead them. Those wolves then find a way to become human. From there they manage to find others, but smaller wolves. It seems that someone didn't like them, and a war occurred. And if I'm correct, the spear in the middle of the room is the spear a great warrior used.

Y/n: So, they kept this spear. Must be powerful.

Cinder: Or just a trophy.

Mercury: Trophies don't have huge guard dogs made out of stone.

Emerald looks at a covered wall piece. She removes some moss.

Emerald: Wait. This wall shows that he is imprisoned somewhere.

Y/n: He would be long dead by now. But we shouldn't take the spear. Maybe my mother can tell me more about it.

Y/n takes a picture and the team leaves to report their findings.

However, they would not understand the importance of that spear for some time. As Y/n's mother has no knowledge of the spear or the figure that wielded it.

Meanwhile Ruby meets with Qrow.

Ruby: You wanted to see me?

Qrow: Yeah. How about a spar?

Ruby: *laughs* Really? Been a while.

Qrow: Come on kid. Show this old bird how much you improved.

Qrow draws his weapon and Ruby does the same.

Ruby: Fine then! Here I come!

Ruby charges at Qrow. Beginning their spar.

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