chapter 5

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Tyrian extends his blades and looks at Jnpr.

Jaune: Well then. Let's go!

Tyrian smiles and charges at the group, doing a spin attack to make all of them dodge.  With Jnpr repositioning, Tyrian charges at Ren who engages. 

Ren goes for a slash but finds himself only hitting air as Tyrian steps swiftly behind Ren and kicks him away. 

Nora swings her hammer and Tyrian responds by jumping over it and kicking Nora right in her nose. She stumbles backwards and growls.

Tyrian shoots at Pyrrah and Jaune who blocks with their shields as Tyrian rushes towards them. Port shoots at Tyrian who uses his tail to block the pellets.

Tyrian jumps behind Jaune and Pyrrah who attempt to stab Tyrian.  Tyrian blocks and in two swift movements knocks them both backwards.

Jaune: We are getting nowhere.  Ren, release plan b.

Ren nods and runs to the hostage. Ren unbinds the hostage who stands up and takes the bag off her head.

Ren: Alright, Amber. Do your part.

Amber smiled and her eyes glowed.

Tyrain: Fall maiden!

Amber unleashes a flame attack at Tyrian who dodges and shoots at her.  Amber blocks the attack. 

The battle continues as Port begins to walk back towards Y/n.

Port: So where were we? *points gun at Y/n*

Meanwhile something inside Y/n awakens.  This can be noticed by Y/n growing larger and larger while shifting into a more wolf like appearance.

Port looks on in shock as in mere moments, Y/n was a wolf larger than a Goliath.

Y/n unleashes a howl that shakes the ground and causes Tyrian and Amber to stop fighting.

Port remembers this form and backs up while breathing heavily.

Port: N-no! Fenrir! I know that fur! Die you sack of shit!

Port fires at Y/n but the pellets are far too small to have any lasting impact. 

Y/n howls once again before getting blasted by a fireball by Amber. Y/n turns his head to her before lunging forward and going for a bite.

Amber dodges midair and hits Y/n with some more fire.  Y/n was not affected as he continued to try and bite Amber like a dog trying to catch a fly.

Port looked at this display as Jaune approached.

Jaune: What do we do about that?

Port: I-I don't know.

Jaune: You don't know!?

Port: I have only seen two people do that, and they are both supposed to be dead.  And I was not who killed them.  We should retreat so we can-.

At that moment a shot rang out and Port had a bullet hole between his eyes. 

Jaune watched Port's body hit the floor and looked towards where the shot came from. He saw nothing.

Tyrian continues to battle the rest of Jnpr so they can't support Amber against Y/n. 

The battle goes on in a stalemate for some time. Amber is too fast for Y/n who isn't even really in control of this form. Only instincts drive him now.

But that doesn't mean he won't learn. Y/n jumps onto his hind legs and with one paw swipe catches Amber by surprise and sends her through a tree.

Amber growls and gets up. 

Jaune: This is going absolutely nowhere. Everyone! We are leaving!

Ren throws a smoke bomb down to blind Tyrian who spins to avoid getting hit from any attack.

Amber flys upwards as Y/n jumps in an attempt to catch her. But Amber dodges and with a full power blast sends Y/n crashing back down.

Amber flys away as Jnpr bolt from the battlefield, leaving Port's body behind.

Y/n growls and Tyrian knows how to handle this.

Tyrian: Y/n! Look at me!

Y/n turns his head towards Tyrian and growls.

Tyrian: It is time for you to sleep. *pulls out a syringe* 

Y/n lunges towards Tyrian who jumps onto Y/n's back and injects the syringe into his back. Tyrian hops off and just dodges Y/n attacks.

Y/n begins to get tired as his movements become very slow.  Soon Y/n falls down with a loud thud as he transformed back into his normal self and fell asleep.

Tyrian walks up to the unconscious Y/n.

Tyrian: You really are Fenrir's son. 

Tyrian lifts Y/n up and  carries him back to Beacon.

Y/n wakes up in the infirmary of Beacon.

He sees his chest bandaged as he remembers everything he did, even as his new form.

Y/n gets up and knows that if he wants answers, he will have to ask his own mother the next time he is able to.

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