Part 90 (Could It Be Possible?)

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Gaia's P.O.V.

I was starting to feel dizzy, like I was fading away. He came up and kissed me on my forehead, and before he stepped away, I closed my eyes and tried hard to memorize this moment. I wanted to remember him exactly as he was right then, how his arms looked brown against his white shirt, his curly hair, even his freckles... Then he was gone.

Just for that moment, the thought that I might never see him again... it felt worse than death. I wanted to run after him. Tell him anything, everything. Just don't go. Please just never go. Please just always be near me, so I can at least see you... because it felt so final.

I knew it in my bones that this time was it. It was time for me to go... But I didn't expect to feel so much grief.

God! How I wanted to comfort him and let him know that this isn't his fault! I know, I just know he's going to blame himself. I wanted to at least say something, but I no longer had control of my body...

I could still remember our last moments, seeing Theo and when I was texting him in the room. He kept on asking who I was texting, little did he know it was to him... He had his phone off but I still wrote him for when he turned it on... I smile as I try hard to thinks of all of us in a happy place but then it all felt numb and everything faded...


Blake's P.O.V.

I can't believe she's gone. It feels so surreal... It hurts so much. How am I gonna tell Asher that she's gone? I quickly go outside and turn on my phone, I had to see pictures of her, smiling, happy. But when I turned it on I got a text message... from her:

"I know, I know. You hate letters but in my defense it's a text. But hey, now you know who I was texting inside. I'm too much of a proud person to admit that I'm scared. Although I told you last night that I was, I don't want to admit it today because it's supposed to be a good and happy day... You're pacing around the room and it's annoying me, it's making me more nervous but I won't ask you to stop. If I do, you would know I'm really nervous and I don't want you to worry... I don't know what's gonna happen in there but however this turns out I want you to know I don't regret any of it and I don't want you to either. If I go or not, we have a son now and he's gonna need you. You know how much I love you Blake. Whether I should've forgiven you for what you did or not, I don't care. I know I shouldn't have, and I guess a part of me never did. But another part of me, a bigger part, loved you more. So in a way, I forgive you. I don't know what else to say except thank you. Thank you for giving me three wonderful gifts I get call our own. Thank you for being there for me, even when I rejected you when I didn't remember our life together. Thank you for understanding and respecting my decision of keeping the baby. And most of all, thank you for being here today. I know this mustn't be easy for you... you might lose one of us today, maybe both or maybe you get to keep us and I get to annoy you for the rest of our lives. I should end this message, but I don't want to. I just want to keep writing until I can't anymore. But we need to have this baby so I'll let you go. I love you, please never forget that, and tell the kids I love them too... goodbye."

"Blake?" Mom walks outside.

I was crying over the text. "Mom, I love you but I just need to be alone."

"Asher keeps asking for her."

"Daddy!" Asher comes running out and hugging me. "I want mommy."

"Ash, mommy's... she, um... she had to go to heaven."

"Why? She said she wasn't."

"She said maybe."

"But now I won't see her again." He says sad and I begin to cry.

"I know." My voice cracks and I hug him.

"Can she see us?"

"I hope so."

He looks up to the sky and says "I love you, mommy!" waving... This breaks my heart even more.

"Come on let's go back inside. Let's see if we can see your baby brother."

"Did mommy die because of him?"

"No, no she didn't. Don't think like that, okay? Mommy's heart wasn't so strong. It had nothing to do with your brother."

They allowed us to see him, but not touch him. I was gonna leave Asher with my mom there because I wanted to see Gaia... But I don't want that to be my last image of her. I don't want to remember her that way. Mr. and Mrs. K. felt the same way but how could we give her a last goodbye alone?

I decided to go in, I was dreading to see her that way but I have to. When I go in there was a doctor there, cleaning up some blood off her...

"I can't do this." I whisper to myself , kind of as if I was talking to her. I look at her and muster the courage to walk to her. I start to caress her face, moving her hair out of her face. "It hurts, this... I hate it. I was supposed to go first. Why did you have to leave me? I feel like I didn't get to show you how much I love you... I don't know what to do. How do I go on in life without you? You have no idea how lost I am right now and how hard it is to see you laying here. I consider myself lucky in a way. I got to marry the love of my life, not a lot of people get to say they got to marry their high school sweetheart. But I did, and even though I didn't deserve it, I thank God for it. Although I'm a little pissed off at him right now... I shouldn't be saying that... I love you, babe. And I always will." As I'm about to give her one last kiss, I feel air slowly coming out her nose...

"I thought you said she was dead." I tell the doctor that was there.

"She was declared clinically dead a few minutes before we stopped the bleeding, sir."

"Then why is she breathing?!"

"What?" He walks to her and examines her.

"I need a crash cart and an I.V.!!!!" He yells.


Could it be?!!

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