Part 22 (Love)

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Gaia's P.O.V.

The sex, as always, was amazing. We lay on bed relaxing before our mothers came back with Asher...

"Do you think our parents know we were our own first?" Blake asks out of the blue.

I laugh. "I hope not. I thinks it's better we keep that to ourselves"

"True, you remember that day?" 

"Yeah... I was home alone--"

"And I surprised you. I was scared as shit"

"You did a good job" I say as I put my chin on his chest to look up at him.

"Oh I know, now you, you were great" he grabs my butt.

"I still don't believe I was your first"


"You are two years older than me and you were a jock. You really expect me to believe I was your first?"

"Well believe it" he pulls me to be on top of him and kisses me "You're my fist *kiss* and last *kiss*"

"And your in betweens?" I ask teasingly.

"Um... let's not talk about those" he says. I chuckle and sit up "Babe?" he called


"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Where are you going?" he asked

"I'm going to take a shower"

"Stay here" he pouted as he patted on the bed.

"Oh Blake, they're gonna be here any minute"

"Exactly, so let's enjoy it" I give in and jump into bed again. I rest my head on his chest and he puts his arms around me... "Remember when we thought you were pregnant?"

"Jesus!" we laugh...


I was at home with Blake watching a movie on a rainy weekend and I wasn't feeling so good. And other than that, my period hasn't come yet...

"What's going on with you?" Blake asks

"Nothing" I lie.

"You've been cranky lately"

"Gaia... what's going on?"

"I'm late" I give in.

"What?" his face changed to concern "How much?"

"Two weeks"

"But that's normal, right?"

"Yeah but I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous too"

"Maybe it's coming... we use protection every time"

"Our dads are going to kill us"

"Okay, it'll be okay. I'll drop out of basketball and get a job, we could move out"

"No, no you are not quitting basketball because of this"

"I have to, the baby--"

"No! You love basketball I would never ask you to do this. Besides we don't even know if I am yet"

"I'll go to a pharmacy and get you a test... I'll be right back" Blake leaves and I start to panic. What if I am pregnant? What the hell are we going to do? I can't let Blake quit basketball, he loes it more than anything, maybe even more than me. What about my parents? They're gonna feel so betrayed and sad.

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