Part 41 (Long Week)

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Gaia's P.O.V.

I was so happy, I'm in my 7th month already and everything is great with us and the baby. Asher's excited, although I'm afraid he'll get jealous once his sister comes.

It was Thanksgiving week and Blake was away in games. I was thinking about going to Oklahoma to spend it with my family but due to the winter I decided not to. Instead I ask my parents to come and they did.

We had a good dinner, although I would've wanted Blake to be here. I missed him so much, this is the only reason I hate his job. They keep us from spending family days together. At least we finally get to see him tomorrow...

"So who's picking up Blake at the airport?" My mother asks.

"They arrive a bit late so DJ's gonna bring him"

"You happy?"

"Yes" I smile.

"And I take it he was happy when you told him about the baby and the wedding?"

"You should've seen his face mom..." I bite my bottom lip and smile remembering his reaction "He was so happy when I told him we were having another baby. I hated keeping it from him I just had to tell him... He doesn't want to do the wedding yet, he doesn't want me stressing out"

"Well that's good, he cares about you a lot and doesn't want you or his little princess getting hurt"

"God mom, I love him so much. Is something like that even possible? I love him more now than I ever did in high school, even with what he did to me"

"Well you share kids now and that's a connection and a bond both of you will always have"

I look at Asher who was playing with his grandfather, who spoiled him in any way possible. Seeing him laugh was all I needed to see.

"I should get Asher ready for bed" I tell my mom and I walk to Asher's playroom... My father, just like Blake, acted like a child everytime he was with Asher.

"All right sweetie time to take a shower, come on let's go"

"A shower? That's for babies" my father says.

"Dad" I scold him. I didn't like him saying those things cause then it'll be hell to try and get him to take a bath.

"Sorry, come on kiddo" my dad picks him up and both my mom and dad take him to the bathroom while I pick up all the toys and boy were there a lot.

It took almost half an hour to clean up, I hear a door close and footsteps getting closer. Asher has a thing for sneaking out of his room lately, so this time I'm catching him red handed.

"Asher William Griffin! You better not be---" I halt to a stop at who my eye gazed upon "Blake" I whisper his last name, making my heart skip a beat.

"I love it when you say my last name"

"What are you doing here?"

"What? I can't come to my own house?"

"You said you were coming tomorrow, the 29th"

"No, I said 28"

"No you didn't"

"I didn't? Hmm..." He comes closer to me to cup my face and connect foreheads. "I did say 29 didn't I?" He whispers. "I wanted to surprise you" he caresses my cheek with his thumb and I kiss him softly.

"I missed you" I say emotionally

"I missed you too... Like crazy... I got a surprise for you" he whispers in my ear.


"No complaining, no buts"

"I gotta finish picking up your son's mess. Plus, you know I don't like surprises"

"I'll finish it up later and I'm sure you're gonna like this, come on" he grabs my hand and leads me to our room but before entering he covers my eyes.

"What? Don't"

"I won't let you fall, ever"

"Okay, can I look now?"

"Yeah" he chuckles.

"Oh my gosh" I'm all smiles as soon as I see a bouquet of roses laying on the bed. "Babe" I turn to face him so he could see my bright smile.

"Well it's not much but---"

"It's perfect, I love it" I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his neck "I love you, thank you, they're beautiful"

"How beautiful because I really want it to be you know---"

"Oh just shut up and kiss me" I order him.

"Yes ma'am" he smiles and kisses me softly. "Did I surprise you?"

"Yes... I gotta say this is the cutest thing you've done for me"

"I know... and it shouldn't have been the first time, I'm sorry"

"I don't need flowers"

"I know... All you want is my love, and you have it. Believe me, you have it"

"But the flowers were a nice touch though" I mumble.

"You liked them huh?"

"Yes" I smile and walked to the bed, where he followed.. "Should we go tell our son you're back?"

"No, he won't want to go to sleep"


"How's our little girl?"

"Good, she kicked when she heard your voice"

"She did not, you're such a liar" he laughs.

"I am not, it's true"

"Show me" 

"Talk to her"

He places his hand on my 7 month stomach and looks up back at me.

"What do I say?" he asks

"What you always tell her..." I place my hand on his head, stroking his curly hair.

"Hey baby girl, it's daddy... You're mommy and I love you very much and we can't wait to have you here, we've waited for you so long I can hardly wait" I feel her kick

I gasp. "Did you feel that?" I ask him but all I could see was smiles.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I know, I love you too" he pushes himself up to be next to me. "This has been the longest week of my life, please don't leave me this long alone again"

"Sorry" he pouts.

"I want us to start thinking about some names tomorrow. And maybe start working on her bedroom?"

"Sounds perfect"

"Thank you for the roses" I whisper "I really love them"

"You're welcome" he kisses me. He was so tired from his flight he just drifts off to sleep.

It's time to get ready for our baby girls arrival, I know we still have two months left but they're gonna go flying... I know one thing for sure, even though the contractions are gonna hurt as hell, I can't wait to have my little girl in my arms...

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