Part 66 (Confrontation)

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Blake's P.O.V.

"I... I... slept with Kellan the day I ran away" she blurts out.

"What?" I say numbly... I felt like she put a knife through my heart. She awaited my reaction, prepared herself and her body for my hand to impact her... But I could never hurt her.... even if she just rippped out my heart. "It's a joke, right?" I wanted it to be

"I'm sorry" she cried. And that was when it hit me.

"Oh! no" I put my hands on my head and pace around angry and hurt... How could she have slept with him? Why?! "You slept with him?!!"

"I didn't know"

"You didn't know?!"

"I didn't remember how I felt about you"

"Oh God!" I freak out, I can't believe she cheated on me! "Are you pregnant?" 


"You were throwing up three days ago"

"What-- No! I threw up because I felt disgusted by what I did. Besides no one gets pregnant that fast."

"Wait... You remembered three days ago?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't know how!"

"You didn't know how?! How about 'hey Blake I got my memory back, everything's gonna go back to normal now!"

"I wanted to tell you, but you and I don't keep secrets and I had to tell you about this but I didn't know how, I didn't want to hurt you!"

"Well... too late"

"Baby please I'm sorry" she pleaded, she tries to grab me by the arm but I evade it.

"I need some air... I'm going for a walk"


"Gaia don't"

"Please don't blame me"

"Who am I gonna blame? Him?"

"I wish I could take it back. But I can't and I'm gonna have to live with it for the rest of my life" she sobs.

"I'll be back, just let me take a walk"

I leave the house to clear my head and she gives me the space she knows I need. I know she's not to blame, she had no idea of who I was and she didn't love me but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt or that I'll forget. God! I want to punch that piece of shit for taking advatage of her! Why did she have to tell me? She could've kept that to herself, how will I ever not think about it now?

"Fuck" I cry silently.


Gaia's P.O.V.

When Blake leaves I take a shower and help my mom get dinner ready. We waited for Blake, who was gone for two hours, so we could all eat together... When he arrives back we have dinner, and it was a quite one. I looked up at him but didn't say a word because I didn't want to upset him... I was so scared of what he had to say or that he'll resent me for the rest of my life.

Mom and dad could feel and see the tension between us so they took the kids out of the kitchen as soon as they were done, leaving just me and Blake.

"Did you.... clear your head?" I ask.

"Yep" he nods.

"What did you decide?" I'm afraid to hear him say he's leaving.

"Gaia, I... it's obviously a really hard situation... And I'm not mad you slept with him-- I mean, I am mad but... The thing that got to me was that, you didn't remember anyone except your parents and you come and sleep with him, but you wouldn't even give me the light of day"

"Please don't make me feel more like shit"

"I'm not, I just want you to know how I feel" I nod, understanding.

"You still haven't told me what you decided"

"I--" he gets interrupted by a car horn, causing him to look out the window.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me" he bolts to the door.

"Blake?" I follow. "Mom!" I call out.

"You got some fucking nerve" Blake says before swinging at, who else but Kellan? 

That's when in it all went to hell. There were punches being thrown from both sides, I panic, I hate seeing Blake fight.

"Blake stop! You're gonna kill him!" I yelled from a distance... It was like Dustin all over again. "Blake!" and just like that it started again... I gasp for air and squeeze my mother's hand. "I can't breathe"

"Gaia?" I sit on the ground. "Oh God, George!!" she calls for my dad and runs to Blake "Blake stop! You're doing it to her again!" she barked at him. At least it made him stop....

"Shit" he runs to me. "Hey, hey look at me" he cups my face. "Breathe..."

"I can't"

"Hey! Easy... deep breaths" he instructs. "That's it" I start to calm down. "I'm sorry" he caresses my cheek with his thumb.

"Hey get the hell out of here!" my dad steps out with a baseball bat. I take a look over to Kellan and his face was covered in blood, no to mention Blake's knuckles too.

"Jesus Christ" I say.

"Come on, let's get you inside" he picks me up bridal style and takes me to our room. He sets me down on the bed and goes to the bathroom, to come out with a wet towel.

"Are you crazy?!" I scold him as soon as he comes out.

"Are you okay?" he asks calmly setting the wet towel on my forehead.

"I'm fine. What were you thinking?" I take the towel off my forehead and place it on his bloody knuckles to clean them.

"Are you okay?" he pressures

"Yes" he exhales of relief.

"I'm sorry I just... remembered what happened last time and I got scared"

"Forget about me, what you just did--"

"Doesn't matter"

"Yes it does! What if he decides to press charges?"

"What will I get? Probation?"

"Blake! I'm serious" he notices how worried I am and takes his hand back as his own. Only to grab my head and pull it towards him to connect foreheads

"We'll be okay, we always have...." he whispers ".... that's what I decided"


So, do you guys think Blake did the right thing with the whole situation in hand?

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