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     "ALRIGHT, BOYS. LET'S GATECRASH A PARTY." Yan grinned mischievously, looking down at the floor with a quirked brow as Momo walked past with the drape over his shoulders like a long cape. As she made her way to the door, Sokka grabbed her upper arm to stop her from walking out.

"Yan, wait. What about your sword and your clothes?" he asked, gesturing to the sword on her hip and her clothing. With an exasperated sigh, Yan untied the knot in the string that held her sword against her belt and set the weapon beside the door against the wall. She raised her arms and did a quick spin.

"There, no sword. As for the clothes, we can grab some busboy uniforms in the palace. Come on, we don't want to be late. Just act natural but not too natural; in fact, just follow my lead." she informed the boys who nodded. The trio exited the house and began walking down the street, following the occasional crowd to the monorail transit where they boarded a monorail and headed to the Upper Ring. As they rode the monorail, people around them dressed in far fancier clothing chatted excitedly about what the party might hold.

When they finally reached the Upper Ring, Aang, Sokka, and Yan waited outside for Katara and Toph to let them in. They hid behind a large statue of a lion to keep out of sight from the guards posted at the front entrance, Aang periodically peeking around to see if he could spot his friends. However, after waiting for nearly twenty minutes, it was clear that the girls weren't coming out.

"Where are they?" he asked impatiently after he had looked around the statue for the umpteenth time. Yan sighed impatiently as she sat beside Sokka and Momo around the statue, growing anxious and uneasy.

"Look, I came up with a backup plan." Sokka picked up Momo who purred questionably. "We dress Momo up as a ghost, okay? He flies by the guards, creating a distraction. Then, we blast a hole in the wall-"

"And create an even bigger problem by revealing ourselves? No thanks." Yan rebuffed his idea with a roll of her eyes. Before Sokka could add his argument, Aang stood and his face lit up.

"Or we could go in with these guys," he suggested, Sokka and Yan standing up to see what he was referring to. At the entrance, they could see a few men carrying packages inside the palace. "Toph said we might pass as busboys." Yan nodded at Aang's much better idea, Sokka grumbling.

"Okay, but remember that Momo ghost plan. I think it's a winner." he grinned, Aang flicking him in the forehead as they sank behind the statue. The trio waited for a few moments before they carefully snuck around the wagon holding the packages. They grabbed three uniforms and quickly slipped them on, carrying a few packages in their arms to seem like they were servants and finally stepping into the palace.

Upon entering the crowded ballroom where the party was held, Yan, Sokka, and Aang set off on their own to find Katara and Toph while also posing as busboys. They poured beverages, offered small appetizers, and occasionally met up with each other to see if the South Pole waterbender and the blind earthbender had been spotted. After asking where Katara and Toph were for the third time, Sokka advised Aang to keep an eye out for the Earth King.

"Another crab puff, please." Toph's voice sounded as she stood beside Aang who was standing with the trio. "I'd know your little footsteps anywhere, Twinkle Toes."

"Thanks for letting us in!" Sokka scoffed at his sister as she approached. Katara gave her brother a stern look as she leaned in closer to whisper to the three.

"Sorry, but the guy who escorted us in won't let us out of his sight," she whispered, Yan and Sokka looking around but not spotting anyone suspicious Katara had mentioned. Before they could ask, a partygoer accidentally bumped into Sokka, who in turn bumped into Aang who accidentally drenched a woman in lukewarm tea. The woman shrieked in surprise, her dress soaked and her makeup dripping down her face; to prevent her from causing a scene, Aang blasted her with air to dry her off faster. The woman's hair now stood up and her dress was overall ruined. However, when she realized Aang was the Avatar she had heard from many gossipers, she grinned excitedly.

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now