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𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
𝐖𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞
- Melanie Martinez

Y/ns pov
I woke up with two strong arms holding me. I look down and see Robins veiny hands grabbing my waist.

" robin" I whisper waking him up. He bolts up and smiles grabbing my shoulders. " happy birthday Querida" robin says and kisses me.

" thank you" I say giggling and kissing him back. " let me make you breakfast" he says and gets out of bed. " Don't worry I can do it" I say

Robin turns his body and looks at you. " baby it's your birthday, just relax in bed and I'll be back soon" he says and walks out of the room.

Robins pov
I am shitting myself right now. I start biting my nails as I walk down the stairs. The phone rings and I run to it.

" robin I bet your pissing yourself" finney says laughing. " I am totally pissing myself finn. Me and her family are going out to dinner and then I'm proposing. I mean it's a good thing her family knows" I whisper so y/n doesn't hear.

" you'll be fine. If she's living with you and clearly wants kids with you, then I'm pretty sure she will want to marry you" finney says calming me down.

" thanks man, anyways I gotta cook her breakfast since ya know.. it's still her birthday" " right I forgot" " dumbass.. anyways bye finn" I say hanging up the phone.

I walk back to the kitchen and start making her some eggs. I hear footsteps walk down the stairs and I see y/n.

" baby I told you to lay down" I say kissing her forehead and she walks to me. " I missed you" she mumbles into my shoulder and she wraps her arms around my waist.

" I missed you too mi linda bebe" I say and kiss her cheek. She smiles against my neck and leaves a small kiss on it.

" so what are we doing today?" She asks me. " we're gonna hang out here, I'll give you the things I got you and then we're going to dinner with your family and I'm pro- and I'm probably gonna.. be scared of your dad"

Holy fucking shit robin you almost just told her that you were proposing to her.. you really gotta learn how to keep secrets from her.

" scared of my dad?" She says laughing. " I mean remember when we were thirteen and he kept glaring at me" I say and she nods and smiles.

" well Robin, he really does love you now" she says and kisses my head. She walks away and goes to the living room and grabs her book and starts reading it.

I admire her for a minute, I can't believe she's mine. She has true Devine beauty, and every other girl is made out of makeup and plastic, but my girl? She's all natural. That's what I love about her.

I turn back to turn off the stove and grab two plates and put the eggs on them. " baby here's your food" I say and give her a plate.

She smiles and walks to the table and sits down. " so are you excited for today?" I ask her. She smiles and nods while eating.

Time skip.

" oh shoot I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" y/n says as she walks to the bathroom. I watch her beautiful red dress sway.

" so lover boy, when you gonna do the thing" her brother jack says. I sigh. " I don't know. I'm really nervous" I say.

" You love her and she loves you. How hard can it be?" Her dad asks. I swallow a lump in my throat. " I'll do it when we're done eating" I say.

Her family starts cheering as she comes back and sits beside me. " why are we cheering?" She asks and smiles. " robin just said that he was gonna pr-" but before he can finish y/ns mom covers his mouth smiling.

" how he was gonna pay for us all" she says clearing her throat. For fuck sakes, now I actually have to pay for everyone.

I was just planning on paying for me and y/n but I mean I guess ill pay for the family too.

Once everyone is e eating my balls float up to my mouth. " uh- y/n wanna go to the lake with me quickly" I say as everyone smiles.

" sure!" She says smiling. " well we will come too, just to capture the moment" jack says and winks.

My eyes widen as we all stand up from the table and go to the lake.

Everyone looks at me and gives me a thumbs up when we get outside. I tilt my head and and get on one knee.

Y/ns pov
Robin gets on one knee and grabs something from his pocket. I see a beautiful diamond ring. " y/n l/n please marry me and make me the happiest man on earth. I know this shit is corny but when I first met you I was instantly in love with you, and right now I am positive that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. So please, please say yes" Robin asks as tears fall from my eyes.

" how could I say no to you.. yes of course I'll marry you" I say as we both hug. My family starts cheering and they hug us too.

Best birthday ever

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