𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐞

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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝
-micheal scott

Y/ns pov.
I was standing here in a really long wedding dress at my own wedding that I didn't even wanna be at. My parents are forcing me to do an arranged marriage with the Arellano family's son, Robin.

Don't get me wrong he's cute and all but he is such a dick. I tried talking to him a week ago and he rolled his eyes and walked away from me.

Like.. wtf. Whatever, I mean it's not like I'm actually in love with him or anything. Gross. Besides he would never like me back.

" Mr Arellano, do you take y/n y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I look down at my feet and try so hard to not chew my nails off.

" uh.. I do?" Robin says and I lift my head up to look at him. " y/n do you take robin Arellano to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Panic takes over my body. Do I really want to do this? Well of course I don't. " uh.. uh- I don't know.. fuck- I do?" I say

Robin looks at me then looks Down again. " you may now kiss the bride!" He says. Robin awkwardly takes a step towards me. He leans down and kisses me then wraps his arm around my head and deepens the kiss.

HUHH? I thought he hated me. He lets go and everyone cheers and I awkwardly stand there wanting to go home and watch a movie with my mom.

I step down and walk until I find my parents and of course they're with robins family. Robin followed me like a lost dog here.

" when can we leave?" I ask my mom. " In a couple hours sweetie. Why don't you get you and Robin some drinks yeah?" She says.

My mom was supposed to come over to my place after the wedding but knowing her she might get blackout drunk and fall asleep in the wedding venue.

" yeah sure" I say and robin follows me to the drinks. " you look really good right now" he says whispering in my ear as he drinks some wine.

" oh yeah?" I say quietly and look down at myself. " mhm" he says and walks back to the family. I follow him like the lost dog this time.

I sit beside him and see my brother and sister talking to each other. I feel robins hand rest on my thigh. I look at him and see that he's smirking.

"¿Por qué estás sonriendo Robin?" His mom says. He looks at her with a smirk still on his face

"¿No puedo tocar a mi esposa sin sonreír?" He says. I learned a bit of Spanish before I had to meet him and I know that his mom asked him why he was smirking. He responded with something along the lines of

" can't I touch my wife without smiling." So he referred to me as his wife. Does that mean I get to call him my husband now?

Since he's being bold I decide to be bold as well. I place my hand on his and move it up a little. He looks down at our hands then at me. He interlocks our fingers and looks at his little brother.

" hey me and y/n will be right back" robin says and stands up. I stand up as well and go wherever he's taking me. Robin looks really sexy today, His long hair is slicked back and he isn't wearing a bandana.

He should do this look more often. He brings me to a place where nobody is and then sits me down. " you know your beautiful, right?" He says and I look at him.

" I do know that.. why?" I say. " why do you think I requested you to my parents and nobody else?" He says

Wait he wanted to marry me? So it isn't technically arranged for him, just me? " you wanted to marry me?" I say in shock. I never thought a boy like robin would want me.

" of course i did. Who wouldn't?" He says as I smile. " your gorgeous baby, I'm so glad I got to marry you and not anyone else. I will kiss the ground where you walk because In my eyes your an angel" he says and grabs my hands.

I feel myself start to blush and then I look at robin. " you think that?" I say and smile and stand up. He nods before pulling me in and kissing me.

He wraps both his arms around me and I put my hand on his face caressing his face gently. We keep kissing until the hear a knock on the door.

" I saw you guys come in here and I just wanted you to know that's it's time to eat now" robins mom says.

Me and robin walk out and I hear him whisper something under his breath. " dinner is such a cockblocker man" he says and rolls his eyes.

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