An act of kindness

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It had been a month and a half since the beginning of the shooting. Everything was flowing normally but not for Jisoo. The past few days were wrecking for her due to severe back pain. At any time, any moment, a tingle would gear up in her lower back, crumbling her strength. With the day's passing, the ache was expanding rapidly, making it complex to even get on her feet. So,  she asked her mother to come which was scheduled on Saturday.

Today, the shooting had been delayed. So, Jisoo was strolling through a park within the refreshing greeneries and glowing sky. She trotted along the path, glancing around when a throb struck her lower back again. It didn't allow her to stand long, so she immediately rested on a bench nearby. She winced in dismay at the repeated appearance of the soreness and pressed her hand onto the throbbing spot. It felt as though thousands of needles stung her back, mercilessly, nonstop. 

The belated shooting triggered around 10.30 or so. 

Namjoon noticed how Jisoo was toiling even to breathe. She would sweat just in a mere of movements and constantly panted, squeezing her sides. His concern grew. Was she sick or something? Was it something serious? 

That day, the shooting also concluded later. So, Jisoo had to cross a prolonged day, carrying the thrashing ache that now scattered around her abdomen. The foremost thing she preferred going home, was plopping on her bed. She swarmed and wept on her soft blanket out of the stinging that remained in her body, shaking her up. All night, she squirmed in ache, hugging her knees, curving into a ball. The next day was Saturday which pointed that there was no shooting for the day. Jisoo straightened up from her bed and trudged to the washroom to freshen. Then sported some decent clothes and fled for the doctor's appointment. 

After an hour at the doctor's chamber, 

Jisoo was anxiously lingering on the chair, fidgeting with her fingers. her throat dried, presuming of something unsettling but her other part was convinced that everything would go well. The nervous woman was disoriented in her thoughts when the doctor penetrated before her with the reports in his hand. Jisoo lurched forward in query, the doctor huffed, "Jisoo, you have a third-graded kidney infection." 

Jisoo's ears declined to acknowledge what he just mouthed. She might have assumed something bad but not this dreadful. Her face was paralyzed, only tears streamed down her rosy cheeks. 

"You need an immediate kidney transplant within this week." 

"But, if I take proper medications, I, I can recover, can't I?" she hopefully interrogated. 

"No, Jisoo, you need a transplant. Otherwise..." 

"Otherwise, what?" 

"Your life may be at risk." 

That was the last thing Jisoo willed to attend. She raced out of the hospital, weeping her eyes out, still in disbelief. 'No, it couldn't happen to me. I was perfectly fine a few days back. Then, why now? I can't die. I have to live for my dreams, for my family.' The words vibrated in her mind constantly the entire day. 

Reaching home, she was welcomed by her mother's vibrant smile which was soon to be faded away. She stepped in, laid her bag on the sofa and quietly sat down. Her face was pale and blank. Jisoo's mother wondered, "What happened, Jichu?" 

Jisoo stayed silent, her eyes were having great trouble pulling tears back. "Jichu, my dear. What happened?" Her mother asked, caressing her hair. "Eomma, " Jisoo's lips shook, tears threatened to pool down. "I-I have- third-grade kidney infection. They said I need a transplant, now or," she couldn't speak the rest and broke down. Her mother was astounded by the shocking news. No response came out from her. Only disbelief was apparent in her largened eyes. 

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