♡ living proof ♡

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taste of you ; so i'm rewriting it and i had an idea about emmy, percy, and annabeth's first meeting of them all together but i had to scrap it due to plot reasons and personal opinion reasons soooooo i'm putting it here
— warning : vampire gore stuff?

❝ show your demons
and i might show you mine


It shouldn't be, considering it's . . . well, homecoming. But once it's been your third year in a row doing the same thing over and over again, you start to get predictably bored with what's happening.

Then again, it was easy to bore Emerson Sinclair.

She's seen a lot, even though she's only sixteen. She's traveled many places, done many things people dreamed about doing. She's kissed, she's killed, she's done some reckless things.

So, yes, Emerson was bored at homecoming. Dinner with her so-called friends was the shallowest event she's ever gone to — and she'd met some shallow people. The food was good, don't get her wrong, but she needed something exciting to happen.

And this dance wasn't cutting it.

Even with all the money you could ever want, this ballroom was tacky. Emerson could've done a better job than the DJ; there was literally no one dancing. Everyone was milling around in groups, talking and laughing and scoffing — probably about the shitty dance. She couldn't blame them.

She had her own group too, in fact, but she was quiet, gaze flicking around to find something interesting. Well, besides for her idiot cousin, his ragtag group of friends around him as he beatboxed and whispered at the same time — an entertaining skill, but she'd heard it so much that she was growing bored of that skill. Curse her for giving a shit about that guy.

While she was looking around, her gaze landed on two people standing near the edge of the ballroom. One person was more familiar than the other, but she definitely knew who they both were.

"Give me a moment, would you?" Emerson didn't wait for a response as she walked away, her heels clicking insistently.

"Annabeth!" Emerson gave the two she was going to a smirk as she walked up to them, stopping in front of them. "You didn't tell me you were coming to homecoming. I would've swindled you a ticket."

"It was a . . . last minute decision," Annabeth explained, glancing over at the guy next to her. "And, really, you don't have to pay anything for me."

Emerson rolled her eyes. "I have a few extra tickets, thanks to mine and Theo's donation. It wouldn't have been a big deal."

She glanced over at him, where he was starting up the dance floor. That was a skill of his she'd never get bored of. He loved dancing, and it showed with the hours he put in and the fluidity of his movements.

She made brief eye contact with him before looking away, her gaze landing on sea green eyes. "You didn't tell me you knew Annabeth," she told him. "Of course, that's probably because you missed our last two outings."

Percy winced. "Sorry. I was . . . busy." He glanced at Annabeth, before looking at Emerson again. "You go to the same school?"

"Oh my God, Percy, this is literally the best school in the state," Emerson let out a laugh, covering it with her hand as she glanced around. "You think I wouldn't buy my way in?"

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