♡ should've said it ♡

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( james potter ) x reader x remus lupin imagine ; in which james potter admits his feelings too late.
— secret & past james potter x reader, secret remus lupin x reader though it probably ain't a secret anymore lol. once again american english sorry. characters are probably ooc. kissing & implied smut. m!reader though i never write men so sorry i definitely butchered this :( also james is such a dick in this i'm so sorry.

❝ i was crazy for you, all caught up and confused
love was broken for me, now it's broken for you

IT HURT, BEING apart from James Potter.

To your friends, he acted as if everything was fine. He acted like you hadn't left him days ( which turned into weeks ) ago. He invited you over to his house for half the summer like clockwork. He didn't acknowledge that for months, almost a year, in fact, you'd creep over to his bed at night and kiss him until he's gasping for air, pinning him to the bed and suck hickeys into his neck that he had to hide using spells. You'd been his first. Yet nothing between the two of you had happened, apparently.

Privately, you'd mourned the loss of him. Not him as a friend, though since your breakup you hadn't been friends — at least not like you'd used to be. But as your boyfriend. Yet no one had known except for the two of you, so you had to grieve him quietly.

Except it hadn't been so quiet. Despite your fake smiles, and your forced cheery chatter to your friends, one person noticed. He noticed how you'd seemed to burrow into your studies more, even though you were more laid back with your grades. He noticed how you'd tried to avoid James. He noticed how you were in the dorm less, staying in the common room until the last moment unless it was a full moon. The Marauders had told you about that secret at the end of first year, but it's not as if you hadn't figured that out already. You literally were their dormmate. They talked loudly.

On a day where James, Sirius, and Peter had been caught doing a prank on some Hufflepuffs and had been sentenced to detention, you'd finally been in the dorm, organizing your belongings because they were hastily strewn around your bed when the door opened behind you. You'd turned to see Remus. You didn't know why you were surprised; he was the only one that didn't get caught.

You gave him a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to fold all of your shirts when he asked, "can we talk, Y/n?"

You shrugged, not making eye contact with him. "Yeah, sure, what's up?"

"Are you okay?" he asked, making you raise your eyebrows. "You haven't been here a lot, or with our friends. You've been with other people a lot."

"I'm fine," you replied. It wasn't exactly a lie, though it wasn't the truth. You were getting there.

"Are you sure? If this is about not joining the Marauders—"

You were baffled. "Why would it be about that? I honestly don't care about your wannabe gang of mischief."

Remus snorted. "Wannabe gang?"

"I know that shit happens when I'm not in here," you said. "I don't give a shit. Unless, you know, if it ruins my life or something. Or my day."

"Don't worry, James told us not to prank you," he said nonchalantly. "Unless it's on the entire school, but I think you've seen those pranks before."

You couldn't help the way your body stiffened when hearing James's name. And Remus clearly noticed. "Is this about James?"

You didn't say anything. You didn't want to. And you probably didn't need to.

"You're my friend too, Y/n." He assured you. "You can tell me what's bothering you. Or not, I don't mind, but I can keep a secret."

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