♡ this love ♡

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short story; i wrote this for my creative writing class and now i'm being held at gunpoint to post it /j jk it's fine only two people are gonna read it irl so it's fine. it's an arranged marriage between two ocs from an apply fic because i'm obsessed and inspired. shout out to moonlvsts for letting me use her character for this ( sorry if she's ooc i really tried ) and to charliesluv for being the best ever frfr <3
— warnings; it's bad because i wrote most of it last weekend lmao. and because i was crunched on time so it could've been more of a slowburn but oh well.

❝ maybe you should set me free
maybe i don't really want you to

Tying the Knot

"Lady Leyla Demir, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Do you see any love in either of our expressions? Leyla thought, looking into the eyes of her almost-wife for the first time. They were green, but they looked hazel. Maybe it was the lighting in this ostentatious chapel. Or maybe it was the pure contempt in her eyes, a clear sign that she didn't want to be here.

Leyla understood that. She didn't want to be in this position any more than Lilith did, but here they were, forced into a marriage by their families. Forced to deal with each other for better or worse, in sickness and in health.

"I do," vowed Leyla, the words setting her life in stone for however long she would live.

The priest nodded. "Princess Lilith Henley, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

She looked into Leyla's eyes, finding little to no emotion in them. Of course she wasn't angry. She was moving up the ranks in nobility, from a duke's daughter to the wife of a princess. Next thing you know, some disasters occur and suddenly she's the queen of a kingdom ready to give up everything for her. Lilith doesn't doubt for a second that her future wife would do anything to take the throne. She's not the first to think that; she's just the first to make it this far.

"Yeah, sure," replied Lilith.

"Excuse me?" the priest asked, taken aback. In front of her, Leyla finally showed some emotion, though it was only through the faintest flash of anger in her eyes. Lilith didn't look away from her, but she could feel her mother's annoyance as if it were her own. Her consistent irritation of the world was inherited from her mother, after all.
Lilith rolled her eyes, but finally said, "I do, or whatever."

She tuned out whatever came next. Listen, just because this was her wedding doesn't mean that she had to listen to whatever this priest said. She only snapped back to reality because Leyla had taken her hand. Lilith immediately went to pull her hand out of Leyla's grip when she stopped her with an exasperated look, sliding a ring onto her finger.

Lilith admired it for a moment. It had a giant diamond in the center, with little ones dotted around the outside of the ring. It was beautiful. She was now married.

At that thought, she belatedly realized that her hand was still in Leyla's. Lilith yanked her hand from Leyla's grip, glancing sideways at the ringbearer, a child of one of the noble families whom Lilith didn't bother knowing off the top of her head. She didn't care.

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