♡ dream of you ♡

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apitw mind reading au : in which julian fierro is a big fat liar. thanks to banistersblue for being the loml and suggesting that i do a part 2 so i don't break her more <3 and to callumsluv for dealing with my unhealthy obsession with her apply fics and the ocs i make for them.
— inspired by best by gracie abrams bc i'm kinda obsessed with the song. characters are probably ooc.

❝ all i do, the whole day through, is dream of you
all i do, since i met you, is dream of you ❞

ANOTHER "PERK" OF their minds being linked was that their dreams linked.

Honestly, Jules never really dreamed, or remembered them. And if he did, they were mainly of stupid situations that he wonders how he ever thought of them. Nesrine used to send him weird looks across the Great Hall, and when they met up later she'd tease him about the content of his dreams.

Nesrine. It's been awhile since he ended them. The possibility of them. But in the days he spends with his friends at the Black Lake before it turns into winter and in the nights he spends flying around when he definitely shouldn't be, he thinks about them. What they were, what they are, what they could be.

Even inside, his thoughts drift to her. She's never said anything to him, but he hasn't seen her around the castle as much. Every time he sneaks a peek at the Marauders Map when the boys leave it open, she's outside. She's avoiding him.

He understands. She's never been the type to love openly. So the fact that she told him that she loved him and got rejected . . . he gets it. He was in that situation.

But eventually she has to sleep, and they sleep at the same time, obviously, since they have school. And Nesrine dreams more than Julian does. Always has. Her dreams range from stressed dreams to nightmares to random events that happened in the past. That's when he gets to see her for who she really is. She can hide in her head, but she can't hide in her dreams.

When Julian went to sleep that night, he found himself in a dream. It's not that uncommon of an experience, but what was uncommon was the fact that he saw himself.

He flinched, but the other Julian didn't see him. He was looking at Nesrine, or a version of her, at least, beckoning her to come dance with him.

Julian realized he was in a past memory of him and Nesrine in the Room of Requirement. A vinyl was playing in the background, some jazz number that had past Julian swaying, and, wow, he was a bad dancer. Nesrine was reclined on a sofa, looking at him with some mixture of amusement and something else in her eyes.

"Come on, Rina," he pleaded, a hand stretched out for her. "You know you want to join me."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that what you think?"

"That's what I know," he corrected, a dopey smirk on his face. His hand dropped and he started humming along to the song softly, as if he was shy. He'd always been shyer around her.

She watched him for a moment until she couldn't handle his horrible dancing — Julian wouldn't either, if he was being honest — and stood up, sauntering over to him and stopping him from swaying to the music. He looked briefly surprised, before his entire face lit up at the sight of her, there, with him.

He'd been so in love with her, it was almost unbelievable.

"You wanted me to come dance with you," she intoned, a corner of her mouth quirking upward.

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