♡ easy ♡

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love the way you lie au : in which percy and mia actually end up together because i miss them. i start going with the plot at the end of book 1 and it derails from there lmao but oh well i've just been feeling kinda down lately and the only oneshots left are like happier ones and i'm making them lowkey sad . . . oops. sorry. it's also lowkey mia-centric instead of permia-centric oops.
- warnings : so much self-hatred and reassurance. sorry i'm feeling insecure. also there's like no relationship development oops they're kinda just together and they're cute. deviates wildly from the og plot.

❝ you tell me that i overthink
'till i ruin a good thing
anything else? ❞


Mia glared up at Percy, who was preventing her from leaving. She'd been confined to a room in the Big House, because they didn't want her around at the Hermes cabin. That was fine, but she just wanted to leave camp. Get the hell out of there and do something else. Go somewhere else.

She could shadow travel, but she was too weak for that. She couldn't sleep all of last night after they interrogated her, unable to say a word because she was only thinking of Sophia. Soph, Soph, Soph. Mia knew she was alive, but she needed to see her. Know for sure that she wasn't hurt.

"Why should I?" he asked. "You betrayed us. You betrayed me."

"I didn't do it because I wanted to," she mumbled, but it was loud enough for him to hear. The words echoed off the walls even then.


"You heard what I said."

"Then why did you?"

Mia laughed bitterly. "Every decision I make — when I make any decisions — is because of her. Don't you see? After we were — after he . . . after I held up the sky, Luke brought me into a room. And he told me that he knew that I was a daughter of . . . daughter of Persephone."

It was weird saying it out loud. She'd never said that before. She never could.

"Hades told me that it was hidden because they didn't want Luke and them to take advantage of me," she said. "Of course, that ended well."

"You joined because of your mom?"

"No, I got sidetracked. Sorry." She broke eye contact with him, staring at her hands. She didn't say that he made her admit everything just with his presence. After a year and a half of lying to him, she was finally able to be honest. "I joined because he'd kill Soph if I didn't."

She didn't see his expression. Couldn't see his expression. She was curious as to what it was, but she couldn't bear to look. "Oh."

"I need to see her, Percy," her voice cracked. "It's not enough to know she's alive. I need to see that they didn't kidnap her and aren't torturing her. And then I'll do anything you want — anything the camp wants you to tell me to do."

"I'm not—"

"You think I don't know that you don't want to see me?" she interrupted. "I know you hate me, Percy. I know you. But I need to do this. Please. And then you can kill me, exile me, do whatever you want."

"I'm not going to kill you, Mia," he sounded surprised.

I wouldn't blame you if you did, she thought.

"I'll do it if you answer my question," he told her.

"Okay," she said carefully.

"Were we real?"

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