♡ used to this ♡

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villain ; isabelle fierro doesn't know what to do with her life after solving her best friend's murder. james and lily provide a temporary solution.
— note that i did give away this plot to someone but tbh they haven't updated the book for a while and i found it again and i was v inspired. tw: alcohol / drinking.

❝ it's the strangest feelin'
midnight, i'm not leavin'
no, for once, i think i'll stay ❞


She knew she shouldn't be. Now she was finally done with everything: her NEWTs, her interview to become an Unspeakable, solving Sadie's death . . . everything was complete.

It was probably from not having anything to do. Her leg bounced wildly every time she attempted to sit down and read a book. Her hands were shaky, needing to do something but having nothing to do. Her mind was going stir-crazy from not having anything to worry about. Was this what it was like to have free time? If so, Isabelle wanted to get something to do. Something to consume her thoughts.

"Belly," a soft voice called. "What are you still doing down here?"

Speaking of things that take over her thoughts.

"I'm . . ." Isabelle hesitated, unable to think of a plausible lie, for once. She didn't look behind her, but she heard Lily's footsteps as she walked down the stairs.

"You're?" Lily pressed, finding her way to Isabelle's side. When she looked out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lily's ruthlessly curious expression.

". . . not tired." Well, at least it was the truth. That was something, right? Sadie would've said so.

Isabelle felt her face pull into a grimace at that thought. Sure, she wasn't expecting to get over Sadie so quickly, even after solving her death — her brother's death taught her that — but it still hurt, thinking those thoughts.

Lily knew that expression on her face too well. "You've made her really proud, you know," Lily told her, grabbing her hand.

"I know," Isabelle said, though to be honest it hasn't really sunk into her yet. "But what do I do now?"

Lily turned Isabelle's body so she was looking at her, then she pointed up at the staircase, and the door it led to. "You stay."

Isabelle hesitated, her gaze following where Lily's finger was pointing. She'd been in the upstairs multiple times. Heck, she's slept up there numerous nights when investigating. But she's never stayed for the entire night. She's always had something else to do.

But now . . . now, she had time to stay over. Now, she didn't have an excuse to leave. Now, she could get used to staying with Lily and James.

Her eyes drifted over to the little kitchenette. "In a second," she decided, striding over to the cupboard, opening it and flicking down the false wall to bring out the last bottle of Firewhiskey.

Lily raised an eyebrow, but didn't stop her. "James is saving that for the party tomorrow."

"He can smuggle more in," declared Isabelle, drinking out of the bottle. Granted, it wasn't enough to even get her tipsy, so it probably didn't look impressive. Especially because of the face she pulled. She hated drinking Firewhiskey, or just alcohol in general — she never joined Sadie when they snuck out and got some over the summers, even after her brother's death. And she had a clean record this school year.

"You know you don't need liquid courage around us, right?" Lily took the bottle as soon as Isabelle set it down, putting the cork on and shoving the bottle into the cupboard before shutting it loudly.

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