♡ liar ♡

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never be the same au ; in which while fake dating percy, brooklyn has another reason to fake date him: to get over annabeth chase, who she's been with in the past. however, this doesn't go as planned.
— someone commented this and since then this has been my hyperfixation. set after tbotl, but before tlo. lowercase intentional. suggestive themes/wording. mentions underage sex. unhealthy relationships/dubious content, though tbh i kinda didn't plan it that way??? annabeth's DEFINITELY ooc like worse than terrified annabeth ooc.

❝ i said i won't lose control; i don't want it
i said i won't get too close, but i can't stop it ❞

YES, BROOKLYN HAYWARD had omitted an important part of why she had her arrangement with percy jackson. it's been a long time since brooklyn had been with annabeth chase — meeting in the shadows of the zeus cabin, wrapping her arms around annabeth, kissing against the wall or even against the statue of her father.

in her defense, she didn't think that it was that important. it's been too long since annabeth's even looked at her, let alone touched her. it was almost like they never even happened.

but now, sitting at the poseidon table with percy, sniggering at him as she drew a moustache on his face with the whipped cream on her waffle, she could see annabeth watching them. hell, brooklyn could feel it.

clearly, percy could too. "you can feel her watching too, right?" he asked, leaning in close to her ear so they looked like they were whispering sweet nothings to each other or whatever that cliché saying was.

she hummed in agreement, realizing that he'd gotten whipped cream in her hair and she flinched back from him. "you got it in my hair, idiot!"

he was the one sniggering as she cringed, getting the whipped cream out of her hair. "sorry." he licked most of the whipped cream above his lips. "all gone?"

"no . . ." she leaned in and deliberately kissed off the whipped cream, holding eye contact with annabeth. then she pulled away and smirked at percy. "now it is."

"how many romcoms have you watched?" he asked.

"i don't watch any," she replied.

he narrowed his eyes at her. "you're the biggest liar ever. that was basically out of a romcom."

"what was?" she batted her eyes innocently.

"don't play that game, br—"

"i love playing games!" a familiar voice interrupted, making brooklyn and percy jump apart and turn around. she met the gaze of piercing gray eyes, and thought: here comes trouble.

"you can't play a game if you're not in it," brooklyn said, not at all friendly.

annabeth raised an eyebrow. "then play a game with me, brooks," she proposed. "spar with me. one on one. in the arena."

oh, now that brooklyn was "dating" percy, annabeth finally wanted to pretend that they existed? newsflash, brooklyn was moving on. they were as good as gone.

percy, oblivious, idiotic percy, said, "actually, i've been teaching her how to use her weapon."

"good! then she can test out her skills against me." annabeth pressed on, sending brooklyn a smirk. "unless you're too scared, brooks."

damn it. she knew brooklyn too well.

she sighed, standing up, ignoring annabeth's triumphant grin. "i'll play her game," she told percy. "i'm good at playing games. you know this. 46 to 22, remember?"

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