♡ cry for me ♡

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cry for me ; this is a draft of mine that i don't wanna keep anymore tbh but i don't wanna give it in my plot shop so i'm gonna it here!! and it's also in my misc book so if you think about stealing it 🔪 this is a montage of moments and idk what i'm doing lmao
denial is not just a river in egypt. also it might not make sense bc i have ideas in my head but i didn't wanna reveal them all so.

❝ when i'm lying wide awake, you're probably sleeping
and maybe what i'm thinking is wrong ❞


Cordelia shrugged, fidgeting with the zipper of the jacket.

"I remember . . . my name's Cordelia Jade D'Amore," she said. "I'm the daughter of Neptune — um, Poseidon. I kinda remember my mom, Ivy. And I know I have more family: my brothers Knox and Tatum, my sister Winter, Everest Rosewood, my, um, stepdad. And Rosie's really nice."

"The girl that talked to you at the campfire?" asked Jason. Cordelia didn't know why he wanted to know so badly. They weren't even close — at least, that's what her gut feeling says. Maybe they were friends, but she was uncomfortable telling him this.

And, honestly, she didn't remember much. What she'd told him was basically what Rosie, her ancestor apparently, had told her. Well, besides for her name, because she'd known that, and she knew her godly parent because . . . well, she'd showed it off to the entire camp at the campfire.

Except for one girl. Cordelia tried not to think about her. But it was hard, especially after that dream she'd had down in that sewer in Chicago.

Gods, what was that? It gave her a headache even though she was barely thinking of it. That voice . . . it sounded so familiar, fitting right along with the images in her head of a girl with dark, braided hair and dark eyes.

Her head throbbed in pain. Maybe she shouldn't be thinking about this too hard.

"You grow attachments when you're apart," Rosie had told her. "With the person you love most in the world. I passed it down your bloodline, I apologize."

Cordelia didn't know anything about her bloodline, but she felt a sense of dread at those words.

She elected to ignore it. "Yeah. She's apparently my ancestor."

She couldn't see Jason's reaction since she was sitting in front of him. "Your ancestor?"

"Mhm. She's immortal. And a goddess."



"Nothing else?"

She hesitated. Then she said, "no."

"Cordelia." His voice had a suspicious edge to it.

"I don't!" she protested. "I—"

Luckily, she got to avoid that situation because Festus stopped in midair and started dropping to the ground.

* * *

Seeing Thalia had given Cordelia a name to the face she constantly saw in her mind: Reyna. Reyna, Reyna, Reyna.

Cordelia didn't know if she felt worse or better having that information, but she didn't really have much time to think about it after their walk up to Aeolus's palace. That place was a rollercoaster of things happening, so much so that she'd forgotten all about Reyna. Especially after Aeolus had given her a family heirloom that had apparently blown away from the wind a long time ago.

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