♡ feel it twice ♡

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a place in this world mind reading au; the hyperfixation i have on these two characters is actually insane behavior. like i should be put in a mental hospital or something. but i wanted to write something about them and i wanted to write a mind reading au so here this is!! i was inspired by the fic thinkin bout you by newrome on ao3 ( especially one line you'll see ). shoutout to banistersblue i love u sm ❤️ sorry if nesrine's out of character i tried but i don't have her eloquent vocabulary. and also to callumsluv even though i write more for your fics than you do. love u <3
— warnings; angst. like so much angst. i didn't know i was this good at writing angst wtf. the marauders era characters are probably ooc because i don't remember anything about them. kissing scenes idk how graphic they are.

❝ i know love is the loneliest place
when you fall alone

italics means nesrine's thoughts, bold means julian's thoughts to nesrine


He'd just spent a lot of his summer at Leon's, his bro for life, he had a lot of friends, he'd thrive in Quidditch this year ( and definitely do better than Leon. They have a bet going on. ), he had a girlfriend, things were great. Well, besides that said girlfriend was actually not in a real relationship with him — it's fake — but does that matter much?

He was sitting with his Gryffindor friends on the train to Hogwarts, smiling as he recounted his summer.

"Yeah, I was over at Leon's for a lot of it," he shrugged, "that's why I couldn't hang out. Sorry."

Sirius snorted. "You sure you weren't with — what's her name?"

"Althea," Lily supplied.

"Nah, her parents wouldn't let me come over," Jules smiled. "But I'm excited to see her!"

He hadn't seen Althea since they'd left for the summer. Unlike every other summer, this one felt different. He missed Althea, more than he'd ever missed another person in his life.

Do you now? A voice said in his head.

His smile melted. That was still going on? Well, he should've expected it. But still.

Remus caught his eye. "Alright, Jules?"

Snap out of it, he thought, knowing that she could hear his thoughts. She, the girl who had invaded his mind for the better part of two years. Both literally and figuratively.

Jules nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright."

Was that the truth? He didn't know, but then the door opened and Althea was on the other side of it, her gaze flickering to everyone until it landed on him, and her smile nearly made her forget about the voice in his head. "Hey, Ian."

Jules grinned and went to meet her, nearly stumbling over Dionysius's legs in the process. He barely heard the "imbecile," muttered by him over the blood pumping in his ears.

"Al!" he leaned down to kiss her to a chorus of whoops and "get it, Jules!" in the carriage. "How was your summer?"

She pulled away, shrugging. "The usual," she replied. "How was yours? You went over to Leon's, right?"

"Yeah, it was fun!" he answered. "I was just telling them about it, actually."

"That's good," she said. "I just wanted to see you, but we'll talk later?"

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