♡ señorita ♡

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a place in this world muggle au ; in which i write more for callumsluv's apply fics than she does <3 but i also love roseknight so!!!
— warnings : cringe bc i lowkey hate it but i had no inspo oops. this was also a bribe so.

❝ you know i love it when you call me señorita
i wish it wasn't so damn hard to leave ya

ALTHEA HAD HATED the idea of a trip to Florida.

She knew it was only a business opportunity for her parents, but why did she have to go as well? She was perfectly content staying home, but apparently she couldn't.

Now she was standing outside the Miami airport with her suitcase in hand, squinting as the sun shone straight in her eyes. The air was hot, so hot, probably from summer rain. Althea had read about the state on the plane while she was bored to death. They were waiting for a car, so she preoccupied herself with looking at the sights, which weren't all that impressive; tourists, trees, low buildings. She had to admit the beach looked pretty nice from afar, but she hated the beach when it was up close.

The car finally came, and her family piled in and was off for the hotel.

Unfortunately, the next day, Althea was dragged to the beach for some networking event her parents had to go to. Why did she have to go? She didn't know. Maybe it was part of her parents' plan to make sure she followed in their footsteps when she was older. Maybe it was to watch over her little siblings, which was pointless because some rich person had a nanny who was watching over all of the kids.

She stood on her own, staring at the adults mingling and talking to each other, sipping a glass of water when someone approached her.

"Want something better?" a deep voice asked her. She turned to see a guy holding two drinks in his hands. He had the greenest eyes she's ever seen, short half-wet brown hair, and a big, goofy smile on his face. He was wearing swim trunks, sweat dripping from his body because of the scorching heat.

Althea raised an eyebrow at the drinks in his hands. "Is that alcohol?"

His grin widened, if that was even possible. "Shouldn't you know, considering the bar's from the party you're attending?"

"I'm not here by choice," she told him, tilting her head.

He looked at her curiously. "It's a tequila sunrise mocktail, señorita. So? You want one, or am I going to drink them both?"

She thought about it for a moment. Her parents really wouldn't approve . . . but it's not like she cared much, anyway. She was supposed to be on vacation.

Nodding, she held a hand out to him. His grin turned lopsided as he pressed the cold glass into her hand, their fingers brushing. She pulled her hand away, but before she could get far, he brought his glass toward hers.


Althea stared at him for a moment before clinking her glass against his. "Cheers."

She brought the glass to her lips. The mocktail tasted like oranges and pomegranates, which wasn't a bad taste. She examined his reaction. His grin turned into a content smile, and as the glass left his lips he let out a little sigh, like they do in commercials. It was strangely endearing.

"I'm Julian," he introduced himself, smiling down at her. "But most people call me Jules."

Althea held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Jules. I'm Althea."

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