"Jam sesh" (Sam x Reader x Sebastian)

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Fanart by: @hobak-jay on Tumblr
Requested by: @MourYum

A/N: This is for you MourYum, consider it a sort of continuation to "Sleepover time," but not necessarily a part two, if you get my gist.

*Ring Ring*

you felt your phone ring in your pocket as you collect the eggs from your hens. Trying to multitask, you cradle all the eggs in your left arm as you fish around in your pocket for your phone.


"Hey sweets!" you hear Sam say on the other side, making you smile. You then hear Sebastian laughing in the background before grabbing the phone. "Are you busy today?" Sebastian says, "Nah not really, just finishing up with the coop, what's up?" you say holding your phone to your ear as you try putting the eggs into the Mayonnaise Machine. "Well, Sam wants you to come over so we can have a jam session." Sebastian says, hearing Sam strum his guitar in the background. "Then we can have a couple duet!" you hear Sam yell out in the background. Both you and Sebastian laugh, before Sebastian says, "It would technically be a trio Sam." You hear Sam 'humph' in the background before you say: "Well, as soon as i'm done i'll head over."


As you finish your farm work, you head back over to your house to change and freshen up, before heading over to Sam's house. When you arrive at 1 Willow Lane, you knock on the door. Immediately, you hear frantic footsteps run towards the door, before Sam swings it open, and wraps his arms around your waist, picking you up and spinning you around. Both of you laugh, before he puts you down and you give him a peck on the lips. "Hey, where's my kiss?" Sebastian says, going around the corner to face both of you with a small smile. You giggle, walking into the house with Sam behind you. You then go up to Sebastian and give him a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Okay enough of that, we have to get to jamming!" Sam says, grabbing your hand to take you to his room. Sebastian trails behind you two, shutting the door behind him as all of you enter Sam's room. "So, Mr. Music Man, where do we start?" Sebastian says sarcastically. Sam, with his guitar already in hand, stares blankly at Sebastian. "Um, I don't know." You mentally face palm, while Sebastian sighs. Sam chuckles, before pulling up a chair to sit down. You make your way to the drum set while Sebastian walks to the keyboard. "We can start with a beat?" Sam says, strumming his guitar softly. You then take a seat at the drum set and grab the drum sticks laid out on one of the drums. You begin with experimenting with a few rhythms, before sticking to one you liked. Sebastian then goes along with it, adding a few notes using the keyboard. "That's good!" Sam says excitedly, before strumming his guitar to match. After jamming out for a few minutes, Sam suddenly stops. "We gotta add lyrics to this!" he says, before practically diving in front of his bed, pulling out a shoe box.

"Sam. What is that?" Sebastian says, confused that Sam was opening a rather dusty shoe box. "My box of lyrics!" Sam says, pulling out a stack of notebook paper, each folded and filled with scribbled writing. "Can I see?" you say, standing up to sit next to him. Sam reluctantly passes you the box, to which you begin to look through some of the papers. Sebastian follows closely behind, sitting next to you, grabbing the box. "What's this stack?" Sebastian says, pulling out a few pages stapled together and with red writing. "Wait, put that down!" Sam yells, lunging forward trying to grab the paper. Sebastian dodges, holding the paper over his head. "Well now I gotta know." He says, standing up to avoid Sam. You see Sam fluster in embarrassment, before standing up to try to grab the paper from Sebastian. You follow, standing up to stand in between them. "Wait, Sebs, maybe it's something personal." You say, trying to act as the voice of reason. Sebastian thinks about it for a second, before shrugging. "Nah." he then runs out of the room, followed closely by a frantically embarrassed Sam. You chase after them, watching as Sebastian tries to escape Sam and how Sam tries to grab the papers, before giving up. "Fine, read them." he says, sulking and walking back to his room. You look at Sebastian, and then at Sam, and decide to follow Sam back to his room, leaving Sebastian in the living room. You walk into Sam's room, and see him looking down at you with a flustered face and a pout. "Saaaaaammmm, whatever it is, it can't be that bad." you say as you cup his face with your hands. As you cover his face in little kisses in an effort to make him feel better, Sebastian suddenly bursts into the room. "YOU WROTE LOVE SONGS ABOUT US????" Sebastian yells, looking at Sam with the biggest smile. Sam suddenly jumps onto his bed, covering his face with a pillow. Not being able to resist anymore, you look over at the pages that Sebastian was holding, and lo and behold, they were love songs.

As Sam fake cries into his pillow, you and Sebastian sit next to him on his bed, as you silently read the lyrics on the pages. Sebastian can't stop laughing, and is currently trying to coax Sam to look at him. "I can't believe you're such a hopeless romantic!!" Sebastian says, laughing. Sam curls himself into a ball, fake crying even louder. As you read the pages, yeah some of the lyrics we're a little cringy, but they were also very sweet, and you couldn't help but blush at the feelings radiating from these songs. You then put one hand on Sam's cheek, "I think it's sweet." You say, making him look up from the pillow a tiny bit. "Really?" he says, which is kinda muffled by the pillow. Sebastian's laughter has died down, and he looks over at Sam, smiling at him. "Yeah, it is." he says, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Sam sits up, looking at you two with pouty lips. "You guyssssss!!" he says, wrapping his arms around the both of you, dragging you all down onto his bed. The three of you laugh, and decided to abandon the lyrics and shit and just cuddle.


"I'm hungry."

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