1: New Perspective

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EDITED: 08 • 05 • 2016

You felt a light nudge on your side but you paid it no mind, assuming that it was something tha could wait until later, and by "later" you meant a more logical time to get out of bed, as you were not a morning person. The nudging didn't stop and instead worsened to light shoves.

Now you knew this was a matter that would be somewhat worthwhile, so you let out a loud groan, alarming the thing that kept shoving you that you had woken up. You refused to open your eyes, since your desire to go back to sleep was overpowering your desire to get up and attend to the ( probably trivial ) matter.

"Come on (Y/N), somebody called and that person said that there was something important he needed to tell us!" your exceed, Flaire whined, her shoves becoming the slightest bit stronger.

"I swear to God if it's Macao and his stupid 'Please be the next guild master of Fairy Tail' bullcrap, I'm going to-" you began before Flaire cut you off by hovering over you and plopping down on your stomach, making you grunt in pain at the sudden weight.

You could feel Flaire's paws through your shirt and her claws were-- "It's about Tenroujima and our friends from Fairy Tail! This is really important!"

"What?!" you exclaimed in shock.

Your sleepiness, which was present mere seconds ago and was hitting you at full force, had completely disappeared and you bolted upwards. Flaire was shocked at the sudden action and had nearly fallen off your stomach and off the bed.

You rubbed your eyes, stretching a bit to get the last bits of sleepiness out of your system. Flaire got off your stomach and onto the newly-cleaned white bedsheets, pawing at the soft fabric. You rolled your eyes at her kitten-like behavior but made no comment, seeing as it would lead to a pointless argument.

Not minding the fact Flaire was watching, you stripped yourself of your sleeping clothes and put on much more comfortable ones. After a brief consultation with Flaire, who only gave incredibly pointless comments about your fashion choice, you settled with a white sleevelees shirt and a red button-up shirt above it, you decided to keep the red shirt unbuttoned.You had black jeans and matching black boots.

You got your brush and tried to tame your messy bed head but after a few brushes of your uncooperative [h/c] hair, you soon found it impossible to do. So, you decided to brush your hair until it looked somewhat acceptable and didn't make strangers think you were some un-hygienic slob.

"Come on Flaire, we're gonna be late!" you said with newfound enthusiasm.

Flaire, who had become so used to your mood changes ( especially during the early hours of the morning ), only rolled her eyes and followed after you as you exited your house, making sure you locked the door. When you were sure that your belongings weren't going to be stolen, you began walking, Flaire not too far behind.



"Do you even know where to go?"


• • time skip

After trailing behind Flaire and getting a nice morning walk, you soon found yourself standing in front of the entrance to moderately-sized building. Flaire gestured for you to knock and so you did, the sound of somebody scrambling to get to the door being heard.

A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a smartly dressed man who looked as if he was in his twenties, or about to hit thirty; he wore a soft and welcoming smile, his grey eyes just as friendly, the spark of youth still clear within them.

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