10 : How He Felt; Day Two of the Games

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» edited: 09 | 12 | 2016

[ A/N ]:

ah—the confession; the male character's proclamation of undying love towards the female character. complete with an awkward first kiss and "fireworks going off"


best of all:

"his pillow lips"


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» sting's point of view

The moment those dreaded words left my lips, I knew I was in for it. My worries multiplied tenfold when I saw the beautiful, [h/c]-haired girl in front of me let out a soft, short gasp. Truthfully, I didn't know what would happen next—at this point, whether she would accept my feelings ( that I, even now, was still coming to terms with ) or hit me in the face and bolt away.

Hopefully, hopefully, it wasn't going to be the latter.

"What..?" she breathed out, her confusion regarding the situation at-hand showing through the lost expression she wore. She looked adorable.

"I said," I repeated, drawling out my words to try and make it easier for (Y/N)'s brain to register; "I—I want you to be my mate."

The light provided by the moon suddenly dimmed, but it wasn't dim enough to hide the bright red color that had suddenly appeared in (Y/N)'s cheeks. She began stuttering, and seeing as she didn't know what to say, I decided to speak up once again.

"Look—I, I'm not especially good with words, but," I paused, getting a bit flustered and red-faced myself. (Y/N) looked up at me, urging me to continue; "I felt a connection when we first made eye contact. Something was—something was there, y'know? And—why are you laughing?!"

The laughs she tried so hard to suppress escaped, and it wasn't long before she was doubled-over with laughter, a few tears about to leak out of her [e/c] eyes. The red on my cheeks darkened with embarrassment as I began repeatedly telling (Y/N) to stop laughing.

When she still hadn't stopped laughing, I quickly grabbed her by the shoulders, my face nearing hers as a result. That had gotten her to shut up; (Y/N) looked up at me, a flicker of fear in her [e/c] eyes, her lips slightly parted as she tried to make out what my next move was.

I'm sure she was smart enough to know what I was going to do next.

Without any hesitation, I closed the gap between the both of our bodies, my lips crashing against hers. A small sound of satisfaction escaped her parted lips as she eagerly kissed me back. My gloved hands slid down from her shoulders to her waist, pulling her even closer towards me.

I decided that it was best if the passionate, innocent kiss we had shared wouldn't escalate into something more—that was for a later date. I was the one who pulled away, grinning in satisfaction and amusement at (Y/N)'s beet-red face.

"I'm pretty sure you already know this, but.." I kissed her forehead, one of my hands traveling to her [h/c] hair, playing with the strands, "I like you, (Y/N)."

"I..like you too, bastard," she declared, causing my grin to grow, "I hate you for making me feel this way. To think, it was an infatuation that made me act like this.."


I quickly spun around, making it so that nobody could see (Y/N) unless they were right in front of us. Standing at the entrance to the inn was Rogue, who's arms were folded across his chest.

"You gotta get back inside!" he yelled, "We still have the games tomorrow!"

"Got it!" I responded, "I'll be inside in a few!"

Rogue sent a questioning glance towards me before he spun around, entering Sabertooth's designated inn once again. When the sound of Rogue's footsteps had died, I shifted my attention towards (Y/N), who had a sullen expression on her face.

"Hey," I said softly, "smile for me, 'kay? You look so much better. I have to go—and you should probably head back to your inn as well."


» time skip — reader's point of view

"I don't like him."

You immediately looked up at Flaire, who was flying a few feet ahead of you. There was a slight pout on her face and her eyebrows were furrowed together; she only ever really did that when she was upset.

"You mean Sting?"

"Who else?" Flaire questioned harshly, "He looks like one of those asshat dudes that'll abandon you the moment they get bored. And I don't want to see you sad, (Y/N)."

Touched by your exceed's words, your lips formed a smile, cherishing the moment before Flaire would return back to her usual self. "Hey, if he really is 'one of those asshat dudes' you have my permission to beat him with a stick."


» time skip

"Care to explain why you decided to linger at Sabertooth's place?" Erza questioned, glaring at you menacingly. You recoiled, wanting nothing more than to bolt out of the building and run to where Erza couldn't find you; "If you're wondering, Yukino had dropped by and told us."


"I, um, I—I-"

"Sting wanted you to be his mate didn't he?" everyone immediately turned to Natsu, their eyebrows raising as if he was insane for suggesting such a thing. Natsu shrugged, "He showed the signs, I just presumed it wouldn't be long before he'd ask you."

"Is this true?" Erza questioned.


The team members, excluding yourself, had formed a circle, their arms draped over each other as they murmured amongst themselves. You and Flaire exchanged glances, waiting for their "meeting" to be over.

"We've decided!" Erza had suddenly declared, "We, fellow members of Team Fairy Tail A, hereby approve of your relationship with the Sabertooth member: Sting Eucliffe! But-"

"If he hurts ya, we're huntin' him down and sending him to hell!"

". . ."

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[ A/N ]:

i like writing in sting's p.o.v :D

until next time then~!!

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