Chapter 47:We Stopped the End...Together

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(A/N:Well since i'm still deciding the whole cover thing...I just decided to make a new chapter to get my mind off things.Enjoy!:3)

The two had been fighting for what seemed like hours,the two were evenly matched but Y/N was at a disadvantage.The only thing we could do was watch,because if we got in the way...not so pleasant things would happen.

An explosion brought me out of my thoughts and I looked at the scene in front of me,Y/N was running to the southern part of the town and Achnologia was quickly catching up with her.I ran to where Y/N and Achnologia were going,ignoring Rogue and the other guys calling out to me.

(Rogue's P.O.V)

"Sting!Where are you going!?"I shouted,but he ignored me,I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and I saw Erza who flashed a warm smile at me.

"Leave him be...let him bring Y/N back"she said calmly.

"Yeah!Sting's gonna be the one to do it!"Natsu added.

"Besides,no matter what were gonna do we can't hold Sting back from Y/N"Lector added.

"What those two share is something special...I don't think that something like what happened to Y/N could break their bond just like that.Sting will bring back Y/N,he's the light...he's her light"(A/N:I felt like writing something cheesy,well that was kinda cheesy for me...yeah :3)

"Fro thinks so too!"Frosch added making me smile.

"You guys are right...if Sting can't bring Y/N back,nothing will.That idiot is the most damn stubborn bastard I have ever met and i'm sure he ain't givin' up 'til Y/N's with him again"I said calmly.

(Sting's P.O.V)

Dammit,those two were fast,or maybe it was because I was eating so much lately...y'know with the stress and everything...and other reasons.What?Food's delicious!'Nuff said.I stopped and placed my hands on my knees,catching my breath.I wiped the sweat off my forehead and their was another explosion,I took a couple of deep breaths and began running again.

Even though my lungs were burning I didn't stop until I saw Y/N and Achnologia.I regained my breath carefully watching the two fight it out,though Y/N was losing.After a really strong attack,Achnologia lifted Y/N by the collar and I debated whether to interfere or watch how this goes.

"You still think you can defeat me?The King of Dragons"he asked.

"H-how? more powerful"she stuttered.

"You think I just lie around doing nothing?I train too,so bastards like you who dare challenge me learn that it was a fatal mistake doing so.I'm going to finish you off and add you to the list of countless other challengers who attempted to take my place as King of Dragons"he said,preparing to land the killing hit.

All of a sudden he tilted his head to the side not bothering to protect himself as Y/N was already too beat up to do anything.After a few minutes of awkward silence he chuckled and smiled.

"Very interesting..."he muttered."I wonder what he wants"he turned to look at Y/N and his smile disappeared.

"Because of something...i'm afraid I have to postphone your death...consider yourself lucky"he said before dropping her.

Before she reached the ground I caught her and cushioned the blow,she began squirming and moved so I was pinning her to the ground.I placed her arms abover her head and trapped her legs in between my own.

"Let go of me!"she snapped.

" stop squirming"she ignored me and tried to break out of my grip but failing.

She growled and moved so she was on top,she raised her fist to punch me and after that it was just us rolling around trying to pin the other down.I pinned her down and made sure she couldn't break away from my grip anymore.She growled and stared at me with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want?"she growled.

"I just want my Y/N back"I said calmly.

"For the last time..."Y/N began.

"I know,she's not here but I don't care what you say...i'm bringing Y/N back"I said placing my hand on her chest.

(A/N:Comment anything perverted and I will tell Mirajane to hunt you is not the time to say 'Oooh!Sting's touching her boobie!' or something like that...)

"What are you doing?"she growled.

"Bringing Y/N back..."

(A few minutes later)

I was pretty damn sure I replaced all that evil magic with my King Dragon Slaying Magic.Damn that was hard,I got off of Y/N and she sat up looking around confusedly.

"Sting?What the heck happened here?"she asked.

"We stopped the end...together"I muttered,feeling a bit dizzy.

'Crap.Giving all of my magic to Y/N at once is probably gonna give me Magic Deficiency Disease or something'I thought.

"What?"she asked.

I was feeling lightheaded and when I tried to stand I ended up collapsing.

'Dammit,I am gonna get Magic Deficiency Disease...I don't give a damn though,if it means Y/N will be okay...I'd die for her'

That was the last thing I thought before I had passed out...



That marks the end of this 'arc'...hope you enjoyed this 'arc',and...yeah!Japanese is interesting,well there songs are...Egao no Mahou,perfect!Yeah,I just wanted to get that out :3

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