Chapter 51:Le Beach House Part 2

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(A/N:Make dat 3-in-a-row)

Sting kissed your neck and you let him be,leaning against his muscular body for support.You begun to relax enjoying the feeling Sting gave you whenever his soft lips made contact with your skin.When he stopped you let out a groan which was soon muffled as his lips connected with yours in a passionate kiss.

You closed your eyes,you placed one hand on his cheek and the other at the back of his head tugging gently at his blonde hair.The two of you stayed like this,but not for long,you needed to breath and Sting needed to breath too,he broke away and the two of you caught your breaths.

"Sorry,I just really wanted to do that"he apologized.

"It's fine,I didn't expect less from a male Dragon Slayer being affected by Mating Season"you said kissing his cheek.

"That explains a lot"Sting mumbled.

"Wait you didn't know it was Mating Season?I kinda expected you to have loved someone...being the playboy you are"you said a bit shocked.

"Don't compare me with that flirty celestial asshole"Sting growled.

"Stop changing the topic"you said,mocking his angry tone.

"You were the first person I loved...sure I used to spend alot of time with women back in the day,but I only used them for my benefit (A/N:Sting?What 'benefits' are you referring to?Nevermind...),I never really cared about them"he said heartlessly.

He suddenly rested his head on your lap,sighing you smiled,playing with his blonde hair,saying."Sometimes you act like a little kid y'know" in a playful manner.

"I know you love that about me"he purred.

"You got me,Sting,you got me"you said with a smile.

The two of you stayed together in the beach for a long time just enjoying each others company,neither Sting or you were affected by the Mating Season for some reason so you didn't have to worry about him going all lust-crazy again,or you going all lust-crazy for that matter.

Let's not bring up the last time that happened,shall we?

You suddenly shoved Sting off your lap and he groaned sitting up again,he was already half-asleep at that time.

"Why'd you stop?"he asked irritatedly.

"I'm gonna take a bath,right now"you said standing up.

You took off your clothes in front of Sting,and no this was not your will.Your instincts were partly in control that time and for reasons you never understood your instincts made you want to show off some skin in front of Sting.You could trust him,right?

You got into the cold water and you turned around,half of your body submerged,asking."Aren't you gonna join me?"

He mouthed and 'oh' and took off his clothes before getting into the water with you,he hugged you from behind.

"The water's so relaxing...especially since your here"he whispered into your ear.

The two of you stayed in the water for a bit,before your skin would turn all wrinkly...that's just disgusting.The two of you got out and you put your clothes over your wet bodies,you walked into the beach house and found everyone in a circle together.

"Your back!"Natsu said happily.

"Where have you two been?You were gone for a long time"Erza asked.

"Oh...we were just talking,what did we miss?"Sting asked.

"Nothing,we were just about to wrestle around for a bit,wanna join?"Rogue asked.

"I'm in!"you shouted enthusiastically."Your no match for meh!"

"Well if Y/N's in...i'm in"Sting said with a smirk.

All the boys joined in and you were the only girl who had joined,the other girls thought it was not lady-like and they highly disapproved of your decision.But did you give a single damn?Nope.

Luck decided to be your best friend (Ahh,sarcasm...awesome and detestable at the same time) because Sting's instincts had taken over at the time and lemme tell was not a pretty sight.In the end,Natsu,Gajeel,and Rogue had to hold Sting back and pin him down until he got back to his senses.

When he did they decided to call it a night before any other Mating Season related accidents would occur.You changed your clothes and got into the your room,but you could hear the girls all in one room and they were gossiping the way girls do and they never stopped,seriously.You had enough and got out of you room.

You were about to enter the boys room but they were also in one room,talking having an interesting and quite perverted conversation and sure enough,Sting had joined it.You didn't wanna disturb them,or listen to them talking for that matter so you went out the beach house and took a walk in the night,the moon illuminating the sand.

You walked around for a few minutes before a very familiar scent entered your nose,it made you feel nostalgic.

"It coudn't be...could it?"you muttered.

You took another whiff of the air and sure enough you caught his scent again.

"Is it possible?"you muttered in disbelief.

You followed the scent and it stopped at a tree,the scent just disappeared.

"Dammit,I knew it.I was just imagining things probably since i'm really sleepy"you cursed.

"You haven't changed a bit Y/N"a familiar voice said.

Your back had faced the tree (since you turned around) and you froze,that was too familiar...and it caused memories you wanted to forget to resurface.

"It'"you muttered.

"Your not being very specific"he said before chuckling.

You turned so you faced him.You saw his all too familar red hair,a few strands covering a bit of his right eye but most of his hair jutting upwards,like Natsu's.His bright green eyes that showed several emotions you coudn't name.You coudn't talk,you coudn't move,all because of him.

"Long time no see,Y/N"he said taking a step forward.

You were glued to the spot and he kept taking a couple more steps until he was in front of you.He lifted your head with his fingers,you could feel the cold metal of his gold ring on your chin.His black jacket fitted him perfectly,the white shirt beneath popping out from the black of his jacket.His blue jeans suited his style and the shoes completed the look.

"C'mon talk to me,stop looking at me"he said before chuckling.

You coudn't speak,there was a lump in your throat,when you opened your mouth to speak nothing came out.

"It's you...H-..."you stopped,the words coming out of your mouth barely audible,but he could clearly hear them.

How was he doing all this to you?You never felt this way,he somehow made you freeze and make you lose your ability to talk.

"Hmm?Coudn't quite hear that...what were you saying?"he asked,smirking again.

"It's you..."you muttered,unable to take your eyes off him.

"Have you forgotten my name?I'm a little disappointed and heartbroken Y/N"he said,his smirk turning into a frown before truning into a smirk again.

"Of c-course...I c-coudn't"you stuttered.

"Well then why don't you say my name?I'm sure you remember it so do it.Say my name"he demanded.

You had finally recovered your voice,you swallowed and stared straight into his black eyes,his smirk grew wider and you sighed before opening your mouth to talk.

"It's been a while,hasn't it?Havoc?"...



Who is this mysterious person?And what is he doing to Y/N?So many questions...not enough answers...anyways!Never fear!All shall be revealed at the next chapter!Bye!

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