17 : Tear In My Heart

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» edited : 03.31.2017

[a/n]: i made a few changes to the original plot, and tinkered with the chronological order, but more or less this is the original thing just less cringy.

song : "Tear In My Heart" by Twenty-One Pilots

x x

There's a buzzing in the air. 

People, all dressed to the nines, some more familiar to you than others, all scuffled around, dancing, chattering, or filling their empty glasses with new drinks to keep them sated for the remainder of the young night.

The sounds of heels clacking against the floor polished just for the occasion, and loud cackles mix in the atmosphere, blending into a continuous noise. You've bumped shoulders with a few of these people, but you utter a quick apology, mingling in the sea of formal wear and expensive cologne.

It's an unforeseen burst of color; the city of Crocus, which once stood grand and proud had crumbled to nothing but ruins and broken spirits, wavering from the ferocity of the pack of dragons. It only takes a few words of encouragement from the king, and the solid will of the citizenry, more formidable than even an enormous dragon eyeing you from its perch on a fallen building. The blooming capital is still a ways to go before its returned back to its effortless charm, but a comfortable aura's settled among the people, and they've begun laughing again.

You're enjoying yourself, too, becoming well-acquainted with a table littered with all kinds of dishes and drinks, all prepared by the castle's elite chefs themselves. You already have a plateful of food in your stomach, and another plateful of food balanced on your palm, and you quickly add a slice of bread to the collection of cuisines you've picked from all around the massive table.

There's a hand on your shoulder, and both you and the plate jolt upwards in alarm. Thankfully, both you and the plate reunite on a steady surface unscathed. You spin around, wondering just who dared to disturb you. You didn't expect it to be somebody from your guild, because they were all either drunk on wine, drunk on one too many spins on the dance floor, or both. You couldn't list any non-Fairy Tail member who'd want to speak with you off the top of your head either, because your connections were just as nonexistent as your ability to exercise self-control.

But, of course, there was Sting Eucliffe- the one who endeavored to surprise. Sting's certainly done an excellent job surprising you, with the hand on your bare shoulder, and the outfit he's tucked himself in, which made him look dashing. There's a cool smile on his face, and you can see him glance at your food from the corner of his eye, and his orbs light up in amusement.

"Hey," he says, but you can barely hear him over the sound of somebody screaming in the background, and the mild throbbing of your head from a few downed glasses of wine.

"Hey," you return his cool smile with a timid one, envious of how he so effortlessly flaunted his suave for the entire room to see.

"(Y/N)!" You hear your name get screamed so loudly, the owner's voice probably ricocheted across the walls and escaped into the streets of Crocus. Light sleepers and night owls would have probably turned their heads, muttering questions under their breath, honoring the short-lived mystery with a few more seconds of their attention before they return to whatever they were doing.

The room's significantly quieter, and a couple of pairs of eyes are on you, including Sting's, who's smiling still. And from many, many years of experience tacked onto you, you could boldly say that the voice's owner was, without a doubt-

"Natsu," you say, one of your perfectly shaped eyebrows raised upwards in questioning, "what is it that you want, king?" Your words are wrapped with mocking, but Natsu's wrapped with unparalleled stupidity, and a cape, so he doesn't pick up.

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