Chapter 48:Catching Up

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(A/N:Uhhh...tomorrow's,that word disgusts me...Btw,make sure to read the author's note at the end.It's something important,it's not me ranting about Sting again)

I woke up and I felt two arms wrap around me,I smiled and looked at Y/N who greeted me with a grin on her beatiful face.

"Hey,your awake"she greeted.

"Hello,I missed you"I said wrapping my arms around her.

I pulled her into a tight hug and the entire time there was a big smile on my face.

It felt so good to see her again...

It felt so good to hold her again...

It felt so good to feel her body against mine again...

It felt so good to spend time with her again...

It felt so be with my Y/N again...

When I broke away I grabbed a strand of her h/c hair and twirled it around my finger lazily.

"Hey Sting...the guys told me everything"she muttered her cheery voice turning gloomy.

"And?"I asked.

"I'm sorry"she muttered her voice becoming quieter.

"For what?"I asked confusedly.

"That I wasn't strong enough...i'm weak...I coudn't fight their Master when he placed his magic inside of me...I let it's my fault...if I..."she began.

"Shut up"I growled making her look at me confusedly."Don't say things like that...don't degrade yourself...your not weak and it wasn't your fault...I hate hearing you talk like that about yourself,I hate it when you think of yourself like that.Your not weak Y/N,your amazing,beautiful,strong,and the best person in the world if I do say so myself"I scolded.

She hugged me tightly placing her cheek on my chest,I held her closely as if it was the last time I would hold her.

"I love you so much,Sting"she whispered.

"I love you too,Y/N"I responded genuinely.

I got lost in my own thoughts,a few minutes later I noticed it was silent I looked at Y/N and saw she fell asleep on my chest.Her back rising and falling with each breath,one of her arms were on my chest the other on my waist.

"She never left your side the entire time you were unconscious y'know"a voice said making me look in shock.

Erza had somehow crept in and she was leaning against the door a smile on her face.

"When she would eat she was beside you and she only took short naps,afraid to miss the moment you'd wake up...I guess she had something to say"Erza continued,I looked at Y/N with a smile.

'Poor girl must be exhausted'I thought.

"She must really love you Sting,Y/N's never acted this way around anyone except for you"she said happily.

"That's good to know"I replied.

"I'll give you two some privacy,by the way get some rest if you want to get better"she said before walking out.

I nodded and lied down with Y/N on top,I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.I quickly fell asleep...

(Time Skip,Y/N's P.O.V)

You woke up on top of Sting and the first thing you noticed was his steady heartbeat,you smiled and adjusted a bit so you were sitting up.You squatted right next to Sting's sleeping form and watched him contemptedly.After a bit he moved around the bed before sitting up rubbing his eyes.

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