[ special chapter ] A Perv and His Lover ; Part 1

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» edited: 09 • 26 • 2016

[ a/n ]:

this chapter is based on the fairy tail ova # 5. this is a special chapter, which means this will NOT affect the plot in any way, shape, or form.

also, this chapter IS NOT part of the plot. with that out of the way, let's get on with the chapter!!

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The third day had come to a close fairly quickly, earning points for both Fairy Tail teams. The guild was content with the progress they had made, so they decided to celebrate their success.

By drinking at the bar.

Avoiding the already-tipsy Fairy Tail boys, who were busy barrel-surfing and being even more retarded than usual, you scanned the cramped building for the girls, who were ( hopefully ) still sober.

You quickly located them gathering around one of the bar's many wooden tables. Their table was clean of any mugs of booze, and the strong smell of alcohol and terrible life choices didn't seem to reach the girls' table. Not yet, at least.

You took a seat beside Erza, smiling when the girls all welcomed you by re-telling what their topic was—all for your convenience.

"The summer resort well-known throughout all of Fiore: Ryuuzetsu Land," Levy said with a smile, "I think it'd be nice to go there, with our guildmates, of course!"

Natsu and Gray, who had previously been drinking with Gajeel, ditched the Iron Dragon Slayer in favor of the girls. One arm draped over each other's shoulder, the two boys'clumsy and uncoordinated movements reminded you of how drunk they were.

Even in their drunk state, they still felt compelled to be as loud as their alcohol-infested lungs could manage. With breaths that smelled of regret the very next morning, the two joined in on the conversation.

"We should go there!" Natsu chimed in, making the girls ( yourself included ) cringe in both annoyance and disappointment. Erza looked ready to kick them out of the building.

Nonetheless, the two resumed with their shenanigans. "I know, right?! It's so damn hot today, too!"

Soon enough, you found yourself throwing Erza a questioning and disbelieving look when she stood up and loudly stated that Fairy Tail was to pay a visit to the well-known Ryuuzetsu Land.

Eagerly, everyone hurried to exit the bar and prepare the things they would need for the sudden trip. Flaire had volunteered to get your swimsuit to which you agreed to, thanking her shortly afterwards. The cat nodded, joining the mob of wizards filing out of the now-quiet bar.

With alcohol and their previous intoxication at the very back of their one-tracked minds, Natsu and Gray led the parade of Fairy Tail members—and they all had the very same thought running through their minds:

Well—this certainly beats drinking.

» time skip ; sting's point of view

Looking down at the maroon-colored exceed whose eyes were already half-shut, I allowed a small smile to make its way to my face. Gently, I nudged Lector awake. He was quick to respond, letting out a short grunt in the process.

"Sting-kun..?" he questioned, yawning afterwards. Lector's tiny paws balled up into fists as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"C'mon, I think it's best for us to go to sleep now," I suggested, my voice softer than usual, in respect to our roommates who were already fast asleep, dreaming their dreams.

Lector nodded, hopping off of his spot in the balcony and landing on the carpeted floor with a soft thud. I followed suit, watching Lector's sluggish movement intently, making sure he wouldn't topped over and sleep on the floor—again.

With my back turned, I hadn't noticed her exceed desperately flapping her wings to try and get to me. Incredibly fatigued, Flaire ended up crashing into my back, uttering a weak cry as she landed on the carpet.

The heavy panting echoing throughout the silent room caught my attention, and it seemed to have caught Lector's as well. I turned around, my eyes quickly landing on Flaire's figure, which was propped against the many railings of the balcony.

"(Y/N)'s exceed..?" I questioned, "What're you doing here, of all places?"

"(Y/N)..Ryuuzetsu Land, she," the cat swallowed, wiping the sweat from her face, "(Y/N) wanted to know if you were free right now."

"I am," was my answer, my eyebrow raised in questioning, "why, though? What could she possibly want this late at night?"

"She wants you to go to Ryuuzetsu Land," Flaire said.


"And she's in a bikini—and a(n) [f/c] one at that," the cat added, much to my delight ( but I had no plans whatsoever to tell her ).


It had been quiet after the brief conversation. Lector had decided he was too tired to care, so he made his way to my neatly-made bed, and after pawing at the clean sheets until he was satisfied, he lied down—it wasn't long before he fell asleep.

Flaire stood upright, looking me in the eye as she waited patiently for my answer. A sudden breeze had come and passed, and it was then I had made my decision.

"I'm going."

» time skip

I arrived, accompanied by an exhausted, but eager to swim Flaire. Upon ariving at the resort, she quickly flew off, most probably to bond with her exceed friends by splashing mercilessly them.

I, on the other hand, had my eyes fixed on something else.

That "something" was (Y/N) (L/N), who was, just as Flaire said, in a(n) [f/c] bikini. Filled with even more energy, I stealthily snuck up to her, getting as close as I was able without making any physical contact. Then, I let out a loud:


(Y/N) let out a loud yelp, akin to a shout, quickly spinning around to see just who dared to scare her. When she saw me, her face contorted in anger as she raised her hand and brought it down on my shoulder, in an attempt to nurse her damaged ego.

How I reacted? Well—I brushed it off and laughed. Heartily.

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