16 : Secret Art, Blitzkrieg

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[ a/n ]: so, i did another major time skip, because i am a gr8 person. anyway, all of you should know how the grand magic games arc ended, because reading this book is basically asking for spoilers.

so i skipped to the part where the dragons are already out and about wrecking crocus and the king of fiore asks for the help from the wizards ; yeah you know that shit.

also i finally updated guess what i'm not dead!!!! :OOOOO

» edited : 03.26.2017

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"There are 7 dragons, and we have seven Dragon Slayers, " you looked up, all the while questioning the capability of Natsu's vocal chords, "so go do your thing - and let's go dragon hunting!"

You snorted, and your gaze locked with Sting's and he nodded at you. He gave you a thumbs-up, before an ear-piercing cry interrupted your short-lived conversation.

"Shit, Rogue, nothing's haPPENING!" Sting's voice rose an octave higher as he narrowly dodged a gargantuan foot.

"Roar of the Fire Lightning Dragon!" The jet of fire shot straight onto one of the dragon's chest, and aside from a staggering step, it smoothly counterattacked with triple the firepower.

The blast of fire ravaged the surrounding area, charring the land even further, branding it with the dragons' seemingly endless power. Around the city of Crocus, the seven other remaining dragons claimed their own portion of the city to blemish, leaving behind sequences of fire where grand buildings once laid.

Sting and Rogue, who dealt with their own dragons, had met up by a put-apart plaza, with their dragons trailing behind them, roaring, and crushing buildings beneath their giant claws. 

The beams of shadow and light that the dragons couldn't evade deflected harmlessly against their scales, and the only thing it had truly brought about were roars that were more fierce, and flames that drew closer and closer to licking your skin.

"Sting, Rogue," you called out. The two boys froze for a split second, not risking to turn your way, but you knew you had their attention. "Move back," you ordered, "There's something I want to try."

And after your grand display earlier in the Games, which seemed like such a long time ago, the two of them weren't dumb enough to remain in blasting range.

A bright magic circle formed on the ground that you stood on, catching the dragons' attention. They peered down at you with wonder, as the magic circle glowed brighter, gathering more and more particles of ethernano.

The magic power intensified to the point where your hair whipped upwards, thrashing around to the force of an unseen wind. The dragons lowered their heads to get a closer look, fueled by curiosity and the thrill of a challenge, and it would cause their unbecoming.

"Queen Dragon Slayer's Secret Art : Blitzkrieg!" For a brief second, the world stilled, the buzzes of simultaneous battles silenced, bleeding into white static.

In that one moment, you were all-powerful, and you were the only being capable of movement. Sting and Rogue's faces were frozen, open-mouthed, with wary expressions on their faces, and the dragons were stuck in mid-roar, each one of their enormous teeth poised and put on display.

But the second passed by far too quickly, and only a superficial image had been etched into your mind, just as the piercing cries of battle ensued, and the impressions of destruction become all the more prominent.

And then came the light.

An abrupt surge of bright white light, extending onto millions of tendrils that swirled around each other like untrimmed vines, spiraling towards the two gargantuan beasts. Not a moment later, the dragons were engulfed in bright light, and the loud roars of protest were ripped out of their throats and shredded to nothing.

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