11 : Pandemonium ; Day Three of the Games

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» edited: 09 • 25 • 2016

[ A/N ]:

yes i know

what a huge gap being edits coming out. anyway i just wanted a break from editing, bc i felt like the past edits were of terribel quality

im back and i feel refreshed and ready to write :D

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"We're at the halfway point of the Grand Magic Games, the beggining of the third day!" the emcee announced, exciting the already riled up crowd, "Our special guest for today is Lahar-san from the Magic Council!"

The said man stood up giving a brief introduction of himself to the bystanders who weren't familiar with him yet. Those who already knew him clapped, some even going as far as to cheer.

Lahar returned the gesture with a small smile, before he quickly sat back down; it seemed even he was eager for the third day to officially begin.

"The competition of the third day of the Grand Magic Games is about to begin! And its name is—'Pandemonium'!There will be one participant from each guild, now, please choose your representative!" Chapati announced.

Just like the other participating guilds, Fairy Tail Team A suddenly formed a crooked circle, discussing as to who would participate in the opening event. It wasn't long until the team came to a final conclusion:

Erza was to participate.

Once the guilds had finished selecting their participants, the said team member strayed from their respective guild and made their way to the arena. Chapati, the emcee, announced the different participants, makingh sure he kept the crowd informed and entertained throughout the event.

The participants discussed the rules of the game with Mato, the tiny man with a pumpkin on his head. The sun glared at them from its place in the sky, and Mato made it his goal to get his discussion over and done with.

Once the pumpkin-man had exited the sandy portion of the arena, Pandemonium had officially begun, with Erza moving first.

» time skip

When the last monster had fallen to the ground, having surrendered to the power of Erza's blade, the entire arena had suddenly fallen silent. The skeptics, the critics all watched in disbelief as Erza proudly raised her blade into the air, still standing strong.

Everyone watched the red-haired, S-Class mage in admiration. It was as if Erza had cast a spell, and everybody was under its effects.

Fairy Tail was the first to start screaming their lungs out, and the many spectators quickly followed suit. You were one of the Fairy Tail members screaming your ass off, a large grin on your face, showing off the pride you felt—the pride of Fairy Tail.

Even the emcee stammered; Erza seemed to have that effect on people, "U-unbelievable! All the monsters are down! The cheering just won't stop!"

Not caring as to what the others would think, the Fairy Tail Team A members escaped the confines of the booth, running to Erza, arms outstretched. Mixed voices, both from the crowd and from the team, chanted Erza's name again and again.

Erza responded to this just like a young child overwhelmed with presents; she smiled, but waited until later before she would finally let loose.

"Fairy Tail's been booed since day one, this wild applause makes that fact incredibly hard to believe!" Chapati yelled, receiving nods of agreement from the other commentators. "Fairy Tail Team A gets 10 points!!"

Even the sun smiled down at us, from its place in the sky, doing a little dance with its friends: the clouds. The many rays of light bounced around, and eventually, it shone on the guild that tackled a injured, but overjoyed mage.

» time skip

"Now I'll announce the current standings of the Grand Magic Games: Raven Tail is in first place! Still in second place is Lamia Scale! In third place, one rank down, is Sabertooth! In fourth place, Mermaid Heel! In fifth, Fairy Tail A Team!" he paused, letting the information sink in; "In sixth, Fairy Tail B Team! In last place Blue Pegasus and Quatro Puppy!"

"With that out of the way, just let me say: the battle part of the third day of the Grand Magic Games is about to begin!"

As the many opponents danced in the sandy battlefield, kicking up sand in the process, the sun danced alongside them, oblivious to the agony going on down below.

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