Chapter 45:The Beginning of the End Part 4

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(A/N:Yess...A new cover!Btw,three in a row...the reason i'm doing so many is cuz now that I have a ton of free time I get to type in the new chapters I planned over the week.I have a ton of chapters planned already...anyways to the story!)

"What?"Natsu asked,dumbfounded.

"You have to kill a..."Rogue began.

"A Dragon Slayer,when they die I will use their blood to create a magic circle and then i'll be a King Dragon Slayer"I said.

The two shut up,they clearly did not like this,neither did I.But if we don't do this,Y/N will never be saved.

"I can't do it..."I muttered,closing the book.

"But if we don't...Y/N...will never be back...think about it Sting,in her state she'll kill everyone including us.Either we sacrifice a life to save the world or we don't sacrifice a life and the world we know will come to an end"Rogue explained.

"Still...I can't kill a human...I just can't even if I wanted to...who are we going to kill anyway?"I muttered.

"Me"Rogue blurted out.

"Rogue...I can',I won't kill you...your my best friend"I said looking away.

"Sting,you know this is the right thing to do"he said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I can't do it..."I muttered,tears forming.

"Sting...kill me,it'll be okay"he said calmly,smiling.

"No...what will Y/N think when she finds out I killed you!She'll be heartbroken,do you want to see Y/N sad!?"I snapped.

"If not me,then who?Natsu?Gajeel?"he asked.

"No matter who i'll kill Y/N would never forgive me!She'll find out..."I muttered.

"Then what other way will we get Y/N back?"Rogue asked calmly.

"I dunno!Just not this one!"I shouted.

I stormed out in frustration,and Rogue and Natsu just stood there...I ran to the bridge where me and Y/N went to.In the night it was illuminated by the moon,I gripped the railing causing a couple of cracks.

"I can't do it...why do I have to kill a Dragon Slayer?If only there was an easier way"I muttered.

"Oh there is an easier way"a voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw a girl sitting on a tree branch,she was just as tall as me and she had long blue hair that reached her waist.She had pale skin and bright green eyes,she hopped down and walked up to me.

"Sting if i'm not mistaken?"she asked.

"W-who are you?"I stuttered.

"Cynthia,a Life Dragon Slayer"she said happily.

"Do I know you?"I asked.

"Oh no,but i've been observing you and Y/N...and the time has come for me to play my part"she said cheerily.

"What are you talking about?"I asked suspiciously.

"I suppose I have to tell you...come,come let's go somewhere private"she said dragging me away.

I followed her and we were behind a building,I didn't talk the entire time.Who was she?Did Y/N know her?Am I supposed to know her?

"Do you know Seth?"she asked.


"You know the guy that ordered Y/N around?The one with dark brown hair and gold eyes"

"Oh...him,well then I do know him"

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