Chapter 4

2 1 0

Sky's POV

*a few months later*

We had built the cloning machines, now for the painful part, cutting holes in each of our hands to use the DNA to make the clones. I went first just to get it over with. I put my hand under the laser, an area already traced to be cut off. I bit down on the block of wood as I turned the machine on. It felt like my hand was on fire, but there was a reason I had strapped my arm and wrist in place, for if I moved even a centimeter, the cut wouldn't be as clean and would hurt even more. It took only a few minutes to get done, but it felt like hours, I hope to god this works the first time, I hope this works the first time. Then I remembered that in one of my visions, Gaster had two holes, one in each hand, which means something goes wrong the first time.

We waited a few days after putting our DNA into the machines, but nothing happened, it didn't work. After a week and a half of recalculating, we tried again, this time I knew what to expect so the pain of cutting a hole in my hand wasn't as bad. This time, within a day, we started to see the clones growing, first from a zygote, and after 5 days, they appeared to be 10 years old.

The smaller of the two, which I know Gaster will dub 1-S, was made from my DNA. Despite all I know is going to happen to them, I am in awe that this worked, that we successfully cloned our DNA, even if they're not identical clones. Within the next few days we kept monitoring them, until, on the 8th day since they started growing, they opened their eyes.

1-S was in the suspension tank on the left, while 2-P was in the tank on the right, the two looked at each other, made eye contact, and glowed their eyes at each other. Gaste and I decided early on that we would have separate notes each day and compare notes at the end of each day to see if there was anything we agreed on.

That day in my notes I wrote, I have to fake like I don't know the outcome of this project: 

Entry number 1

"The subjects are awake. It's interesting, it seems like they didn't even notice us in the room, they were immediately focused on each other. I was surprised that one of the first things they did was glow their eyes at each other. The taller of the two's, subject 2, eyes glowed a reddish-orange color. the smaller's, subject 1, eyes glow a violet shade, although it seems his eyes glow brighter than the others. By bright I don't mean the color is bright, I mean that there is more light emanating from his eyes than when the other's eyes when his glow. That is a sign of high magical potential, we might be able to use that later on. We should probably take them out of suspension and separate them as the nature of their interest in each other is unclear

Gaster decided we should take them out of suspension in a few hours. When the time came, Gaster opened subject 2's chamber, grabbed him by the soul, and carried him to a cell with forcefield bars at the front to keep him from escaping, which I agree with. I don't want either of them wandering around the lab either.

A few hours after taking the taller subject out of suspension, gaster took subject 1 and, before picking him up, checked his HP as he had done with subject 2. The taller subject has an HP of 20. The smaller has an HP of 1. Gaster didn't show it on his face, but I knew he was as shocked as I was by his fragility. This could cause problems later on in the experiment. We had theorized that one would be weaker than the other but neither of us knew there would be no room for error in one of them. Gaster was much more careful taking subject 1 to his cell.

We left the boys to learn to walk independently, but after a while, we decided we would approach their cells separately to see how they instinctively react to the two of us. I went to subject 2's cell first. He was very curious of me, as I slowly moved towards his cell, he moved towards me. 

He cocked his head to the side and glowed his eyes at me. The reason eye-glowing is relaxing is because it is a sign of trust between two skeletons, and glowing the same color is a promise of sorts, that you will not break that trust. I wish I could make that silent promise, but I can't, so I just glowed back my own magenta color. He smiled, but in a way as if he knew that I was capable of glowing his color, and forgave me for not doing so.

I moved on to subject 1's cell. He had the opposite reaction to me, as I moved closer, he moved backward, but it wasn't in fear, it was more like he was being cautious. I decided to try glowing my eyes at him, to which he responded by glowing his eyes back that bright violet, but not moving any closer to me. 

I was very confused when subject 1 glowed his eyes at me, it was as If they were brighter than before, although that might be because the suspension fluid was dimming the light. Either way, the bright eye-glowing is incongruent with his HP of 1. How can he be so fragile, but have the potential to master magic easier? We will need to do a test on that later on down the line.

In summary, the boys are very different in personality. They both seem to trust me, even though the smaller one is still wary of me. The taller seems to think differently than most. I used the eye-glowing technique because I can tell, that even though they were newly made, they know what eye-glowing means. Mostly because Gaster and I programmed them to have a basic understanding of skeleton social cues."

That was the end of my notes for that day because the day was over by the time we had both seen how the boys instinctively felt about us.

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