Chapter 2

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader

Chapter 2

I walked next to the other spider-woman. All around us were hundreds upon hundreds of spider people living everyday lives. I can't believe that for twelve years I thought I was the one and only spiderwoman, let alone spider person. I swear I saw a T-rex here too, dressed up as spiderman. I can't tell if it was cute or terrifying, or both at the same time.

Another feeling that popped up the moment I walked into the building was the undenying sense of fear. Maybe I was all bark and no bite, but all red flags were going off through my brain. Even my spidey-sense was acting up.

I looked side to side, and back to front, I am fully prepared to get jumped at any point in time. But making a new friend never hurt anyone. "Soo, what's your name?" Small talk and I never really got along, but I was working on it. She tilted her head towards me. "Spider woman, or Jessica drew, if that's what floats your boat. How about you?" She was a lot nicer than I first thought, I thing the motor-cycle is what threw me off. "Y/N L/N, or spider woman, if that's what floats your boat?" Whelp, leave it to me to make a perfectly good statement sound like a question.

"I don't want this to come off as rude, but you're pregnant, and a spider woman?" Her face lit up at the mention of pregnancy. "Yup, we don't know the sex yet, my husband wants it to be a surprise. He's really corny, but super hot." She kept giggling throughout the sentence, which made me giggle with her.

Out of nowhere, from behind me, a glitch sound filled the room. I spun around, only to see Miles on the floor, glitching. "That's new, does that always happen to him?" Before anything else could come out of my mouth, the same thing happened to me. I fell to the floor glitching, which mind you, was incredibly painful. Luckily the moment it stopped, all the pain left with it.

I turned to Jessica, who threw down two wristbands. One to me, the other to miles. Miles immediately jumped up, already wearing the wristband. "Does this mean I'm officially on the team?" He sounded electrified, and he was almost jumping off the walls. "No, these are day passes." Mile's whole mood dropped again. Jessica reached her hand towards me. I grabbed the wristband, and Jessica's hand. She pulled me up, and before I knew it we were walking again.

"I hope we can be friends, Jessica." My sentence stopped as we arrived at the door. "Me too." The way she said me too made me gulp, and dream that whoever this Miguel was, wasn't as scary as I was assuming he was.

When the door opened all of us continued walking, it was as if we were going through another hallway, which truth be told, we were. I looked behind me, and saw Hobie snatching a few parts and pieces off the equipment. I sure hope they weren't important.

We continued down the corridor, and eventually stopped in a large room, with a platform suspended in the air. On top of the platform was a guy also in a spider suit, by now that shouldn't surprise me. One thing about this guy was that he looked like he was Gaston, and eats five dozen eggs. I'm going to assume that this is Miguel, and that I had every right to be terrified.

His platform descended, slowly, very slowly, as he continued to keep staring at the wall. The platform finally came to a spot, and Miguel turned around. I wouldn't lie and say the moment I saw his face my heart didn't skip a beat, but it all soon faded. Miles started speaking to Miguel in Spanish. Miguel, also snatched a little food box from Miles' hands, using his webs, which for some odd reason were glowing red. 

Miguel obviously has some anger issues, because he ended up throwing the food right back at miles. 

I watched from the sidelines, while they spoke in Spanish. While they continued to speak, while another spiderman walked in. He was wearing a robe and a baby carrier. Speaking of a baby, a baby came swinging in. I would say that maybe a web shooter for a baby wasn't a very good idea, but she looked adorable swinging around, and if I still had a child I think I would do the same thing, so I have no room to talk. 

Miles lit up  and ran over to him. The baby was crawling around, and surprisingly over to Miguel, or who I'm pretty positive is Miguel.  When the baby made it on the platform she continued to crawl her way over to Miguel. 

She ended up crawling on top of Miguel. He was surprisingly not to bad with her, I'd assume that he would throw the child off the platform, okay, maybe that's a bit harsh. 

To make a long story short, Miguel, ended up explaining to everyone in the spider-verse had to loose there head chef. This brought what was left of a good mood down. Maybe having the existing memory of my fathers death, constantly in the back of my brain, wasn't a very good thing, but at least now I'll have a bunch of spider people who will understand. 

Miguel also talked about Miles being an anonymity, which just seemed like a low blow. The kid was already struggling enough, knowing that he was suppose to just let his dad die being a hero. 

This not so slowly escalated to a much bigger fight, that ended up with Miles stuck in a weird, orange capsule. Everyone was trying to calm him down. Hobie was trying his best, telling him that it would only be a few days, his hands were up in a calming manor, and I'm assuming that he was doing this to help Miles next move. Miles had his hands on the capsule, his hands started going a shade of blue, and eventually the capsule exploded throwing almost every spiderperson in the room back.

Miles took his chance and bolted it out of the room. I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing. Miguel told everyone in the room to run after him, and they listened to his every word.  

Before Miguel ran after him as well, he turned to me. "Stay put." Wow, did he think I was a dog? I felt terrible for Miles, so there was no chance that I was 'staying put'.

Thank you so much for all reads so far. 

Again, if you enjoy the story, please vote, and comment. 

I re-did some of this chapter because I completely forgot about Peter B. Parker, and his adorable daughter. 

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