Chapter 5

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Chapter 5

I swung through the air, holding a tan box in my hands. Peter was clinging to the back of my suit. Maybe I should invest in one of those baby carriers Peter B. Parker has, so I can carry Peter around.

Behind me was Miguel, carrying the cat food.
I landed in front of one of my favorite places. My bakery. Miguel landed Miguel followed, and landed on the ground next to me. "What are we doing here?" I smiled. "You'll see." I opened the door. "Ladies first." He held the door open, as I walked in.

Luckily, even though my door was unlocked nothing was stolen, and everything was where I placed it last. " I started walking to the back of the store, and Miguel slugged behind me.
I flicked the light switch on. Inside there was a giant freezer, two stoves, and a huge table. Peter jumped on the table and immediately laid down. "What are you gonna do, make me a cake?" I laughed, and walked over to the freezer. "Maybe, or I'm gonna make you have some of the most amazing cookie dough ice-cream." I jerked the freezer open, and hauled a monsterly sized ice cream container and slammed it out on the table. Peter jumped up from the icecream slamming on the table, and I'm almost positive I saw Miguel jump as well.

"Try it." I pushed the ice cream tub towards Miguel. He looked at the ice-cream like it was an alien. "What, don't you have ice-cream in your dimension?" He rolled his eyes at me. "We have ice-cream, but we normally eat it with a spoon." I stared down at the table that indeed had no spoons nearby. I walked off, and came back with two spoons, I handed a spoon to Miguel, and we dug in.

The ice-cream was a little freezer burnt on the top, but the homemade cookie dough bits tasted amazing. Miguel also seemed to be enjoying the ice-cream.
"You know, I used to have a daughter." I looked up to Miguel. "Really?" He nodded. "Yeah, she was my world, still is."
I'll never understand why Miguel just opened up to me, but a safe open space was just what I needed.

"I had a daughter too." Miguel looked over to me, I can't say he looked confused. "Her name was June." I was already tearing up, maybe talking about the past so soon wasn't a good idea. "What happened?" I shoved a scoop full of ice-cream into my mouth.
It was way too soon to confront my rough past, and there was nothing to save me from the pain of remembering it all.

I tried to stop the tears from pouring down, but now I couldn't help it. I set my spoon down, and started wiping all the tears. "I'm sorry." That was all I could get out.
Miguel set his spoon down as well, he looked like he was a fish swimming from outer space. By now I was sobbing, and I couldn't control anything around me. "I'm so sorry." I felt Miguel's hand on my back, he was slowly rubbing in circles.

"It's okay." I looked over to Miguel, who was hovering over me. "You don't have to tell me anything." I whipped my now red, and puffy eyes. I finally stood up. Before Miguel said anything else, I wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug.
He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist, and hugged me back. I continued crying into his shoulder. We stayed like this for what felt like hours, even though it was a few minutes.

When I had finally gained some composers, I let go of Miguel. I would have said something like, thank you for letting me cry into your shoulder for three minutes straight, or, I'm sorry I just dumped my biggest life struggle on you, but before I could, the loudest crashing sound I could imagine came from the front of my store.

I slipped my mask on as quickly as I could, and ran out of the room. A man, dressed all in black had flown through my window. He laid in between glass shards, tables, and chairs.
I swiftly maneuvered over my counter, and jumped to the man. He was still breathing, but was out cold. I felt like time slowed down as I watched Miguel jump over me, into another person launching themselves through my window. Miguel slammed the person's body into the ground, his claws were out and pinning them down.

Miguel spammed their body down again, and they were also passed out.
That was in my whole life of being a spider woman, I had never had a fight end so easily.
I soon felt a horrible sting hit the side of my face, as the guy I was just making sure was still breathing punched me.

Before he could do anything else he was stuck to the floor with webs. Miguel walked over to me, and lended me his hand to help me up.

"We should just let the cops take care of these two, let's get back to the spider-society." Miguel said. "Yeah." We both walked to the back of the store, and grabbed my cat, cat food, and my box. Peter crawled onto my shoulder like a parrot, and I was ready to go back to the Spider-Society.
Miguel opened a portal, and we both went through it. I walked out of the portal, with Peter still on my back, into an empty corridor. Miguel appeared after me, with my cat food.
We walked in silence until we reached the small room I've been sleeping in. I opened the door to my room, and Miguel walked in.

He set the bag of cat food down, in a corner of my room. "Goodnight, Recruit." I smiled as he walked out of my room. "Goodnight."

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was super busy.

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