Chapter 14

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader

Chapter 14

Miguel stood on his platform, doing what he always did. Work, and watch videos of his past life. Miguel had to admit that it was a little boring without Y/N here. He missed all the baked treats she brought in, especially the raspberry cupcakes she made. Maybe Miguel liked Y/N a little more than the other spider-people he brought in, but he pushed down all of those feelings.

Maybe in another life he could pursue his romantic feelings, but he didn't have the time to be crushing on a girl he met three weeks ago. Still Miguel wasn't able to get Y/N off his mind. It was crazy to him how much Y/N reminded him of his wife. Her hair, and eyes, even the way she acted reminded him of his wife.

He didn't understand why he liked Y/N like this, in fact he didn't understand most of his rash emotions. All he knew was, whenever Y/N was around his stomach filled with butterflies, and all he wanted to do was give Y/N a big hug. He didn't like the way he changed when he was around Y/N, that was the main reason he dropped her from the staff list.

Miguel already knew Y/N liked him. It wasn't just the way she acted that made it obvious to him, but one night when he was going to get a midnight snack, he overheard Jessica and Y/N talking about Y/N's weird dreams. Plus after that night Jessica always asked weird questions about Y/N.

He constantly thought of all the ways him and Y/N could work out, but he never found one that was realistic. He was scared to put his dimension in danger like he did before. If he and Y/N did have a thing it could put both of their dimensions in huge trouble, and it would hurt way too much to lose another person he cared about.

He also constantly thought about visiting Y/N. I mean he did know where she lived, and it never hurt anyone to just talk. But even doing that scared Miguel, who knew how far talking could go?

Jessica ran into the room, interrupting all of Miguel's complicated thoughts. "Miguel, we messed up." He looked down. "What happened this time?" She looked down in shame. "An anomaly has been in the wrong dimension for a few weeks." Miguel growled in anger. Normally they would catch the anomalies within a day of them being in the wrong dimension. "Which dimension is it in?" Jessica gulped again. "It's more than one anomaly." Miguel was getting better at keeping his calm, but he still had his occasional outburst. "What?" He screamed, then sighed. "How many?" Jessica looked back up. "Three." Miguel took that as a good answer. "What dimension?"

Little did Miguel know, this was going to be the worst news he would receive when learning about these anomalies. "Earth-678." Miguel's heart skipped a beat. It was Y/N's dimension. "Do you want me to organize a group to go collect the anomalies?" He shook his head. "No, I'll get them myself." Jessica nodded, and walked out the room.

Miguel rushed to the transportation room, and left for Earth-678 as soon as possible.

A portal opened, on the tallest building in New York City. Miguel walked out of it, on the outside he looked calm and collected, on the inside he was freaking out.

He swung from building to building as he made his way to Y/N's apartment building. She would be a big help when it came to finding these guys. He didn't make the same mistake as going through the window again. Instead he took the stairs. When he finally made it to Y/N's front door, he held his door up to knock. His heart was beating so hard, it felt like it would beat through his chest. He knocked once, and before he could knock a second time, the door creaked open. "Y/N?" Miguel walked through the open door.

Peter came running up to Miguel, meowing. Miguel ignored Peter, and continued walking through the house. He only stopped once he saw Peter's empty food bowl. Peter came running over, and nudged the food bowl to Miguel. He sighed, and picked up the bowl. He filled up the food bowl and placed it back down on the floor, Peter immediately started eating.

Miguel soon got the hint that Y/N wasn't in her apartment. He swung from the buildings, until he passed a newspaper cart. He slowed down and landed on the ground. The man selling the newspapers looked terrified. It didn't bother Miguel, instead he scooped up a newspaper the front headline read:

Spider Woman disappears for three weeks, now she's gone for another three!

What is she up to?

Miguel slammed the paper back down. It would probably help if Miguel knew who to look for. Miguel swung back up into the sky, leaving the citizens on the ground in shock. He landed on another building. His watch blared, as a new message came in. He opened it, and saw all the information he needed.

He was looking for Colin Farger. He was a 5,9, male with blonde hair, and brown eyes. He, and his gang normally hid in the sewers.

Miguel smirked, as he swung down to the ground. He wasn't afraid of getting a little dirty. He walked over to a sewer drain, and pried it open. He hesitated to go in from the smell, but he pushed forward and jumped in.

Miguel landed with a thud. "Hey, who's there!" Miguel ignored them, and instead jumped to the ceiling. A guy wearing all black came running through the sewer. "Whoever you are, show yourself!" Miguel hid in the shadows. The man turned back around and shrugged. Miguel took his change, and pounced on the man.

"Where did you come from!" He screamed, before Miguel swiftly threw the man over his shoulder and onto the ground, knocking him out. Miguel jumped back onto the ceiling, and walked towards the loud voices.

"How are you still here!" A woman screamed. "What are you talking about, you're supposed to be dead!" Miguel continued through the sewer, until he saw Y/N tied to a chair, with a blonde man standing in front of her.

"You're supposed to be dead!" The man shook his head. "I don't know if you hit your head on your way down from that window, but the last time I checked you were the one who lied to be about being spider woman, so you got shoved out a window!"

Next chapter it will be back to your POV.

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