Chapter 3

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader

Chapter 3

I waited patiently until I knew Miguel was far from me to get a move on it. I ran through hallway to hallway, until I came to the familiar area. It was the room that we all arrived in through the portal, and surprisingly all the spider people had disappeared.

I'd guess that while Miguel ran after Miles, he also told every other spider person to do the same. I continued to run through the building, and I finally came across two big doors. I pushed through the doors, and was open to a whole new world. Literally.

There were flying cars, roads that were 100s of feet in the air, and some of the tallest buildings I'd ever seen.
Even though the view was striking, and new, I continued on and swung from the building to one of the roads. I'll assume that wherever I find a horde of spiderman would be where I would find Miles.

I swung from road to road, car to car, and building to building for what felt like forever until I flew past a tall railroad building. Up the railroad was a giant mass of spider-people, moving upwards. I immediately flipped back around, and started ascending the glass structure. I pulled myself up the building, not stopping, even when I saw miles getting attacked by Miguel.
I pushed my body to move faster and faster until I was right over Miguel's head. Little did I know, that was a huge mistake. Miles used his lightning hands, and blasted Miguel back, right through the glass, using me as a landing pad.
We both flew backwards, I took my chance and grabbed him. Maybe I would be able to hold him back for a few seconds and let Miles get away.
"I told you to stay put." He spit out as we both continued to fall back. This is when I noticed Miguel's glitching, it must have been caused by Miles lightning blast. "You look pretty hurt, maybe you should just wait this one out." He turned slightly to me, glaring. "I don't get to 'wait' this one out." With that he used his web to hook onto the glass building. We flew through the air, the wind blowing in my eyes made them water. Somehow I still held, more like clung, to Miguel as we soared through the air. When I was the one flying through the air it felt like nothing was wrong, now it felt like my first like using my web shooter all over again. It probably would have helped to have my mask on, but coincidentally it was still in my pocket, or somewhere on the ground if it flew out of my pocket.

When we made it back to the train rails Miles was nowhere to be seen. Miguel grabbed me off his shoulder and threw me off. Luckily I wasn't sent through the building like he was, but getting slammed into glass was still very painful. "Do you realize what you just helped?" Miguel turned his anger to me. "Of course you don't." He scoffed. "I realized that I just helped a teenage boy escape from what seems to be a grown man beating him up."
Technically I wasn't wrong, in fact I was telling nothing but the truth, but it didn't stop me from feeling like deep down I aided a bigger problem.
He sighed, and placed his hands over his forehead. "Get back to HQ, we have some things to talk about." Maybe it was the urgency in his voice, or the way his forehead wrinkled when something serious was happening, but I decided that it was a good idea to follow his orders this once.

I swung back through the hole Miguel had crashed through, and made my way back to 'HQ'.

I made it to HQ in under three minutes, but still when I arrived Miguel was already there. Miles was in the 'go home machine', and Miguel was trying his hardest to get him out of it. He was obviously more of a brute force type of guy, because he stood in front of Miles' go home capsule, using claws to tear open the capsule.

I watched as Miles floated up and disappeared. I guess Miguel was too late.

Miguel balled his hands up into fist. "You, this is all your fault!" My heart dropped, but that was before I noticed that he was pointing at Gwen. "Go, you're done." Gwens stance immediately changed, and she spread out her arms. "What, you know I can't go back there!" She stepped forward, I could hear her voice breaking. "Miguel, we all make mistakes." Miguel looked away. "You knew the rules." Gwen just stared in disbelief, and walked towards the 'go back home machine'.

She also disappeared, as the 'go home machine' took her to whatever dimension she lived in.

Miguel walked over to me. His hands were on his hips, and it looked like he was about to waddle over shaking his finger at me, kinda like Aunt Mary used to. "Do you realize what you've done?" In all honesty I did, and I knew what that could mean. "I let Miles escape, and now he's going to be able to save his dad?" I looked up to him, I sheepishly smile, but it faded as he walked closer to me. "Exactly, you put the whole spider-verse in jeopardy, because you felt bad for some kid."

Yeah, I definitely messed up. "Hey, we could still fix this. We could get to his dad first." Miguel scrunched his face up again. "There's no we, and you're staying here, letting you leave could bring up more problems." He was definitely an asshole, and I'm pretty sure that was his way of saying I was the problem, which in this case I couldn't disagree with him.

Miguel started walking away. That was a great welcome. I was going to turn to Jessica and ask her for some help figuring out this place, but before I could, Miguel stepped in again. "Y/N we still have some more stuff to talk about, follow me." I turned to Miguel and realized that he was already leaving the room.

So far my experience of this guy was not a fond one. I think the only plus side I can think of for this guy, was the fact that he was born with a pretty face, but not even that saved him from a life of grumpy-ness.

 Wow, I've already ran out of content from the movie. The rest of the chapters until part 2 comes out will be made purely from my imagination.

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