Chapter 7

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Chapter 7

"Y/N, wake up." I shot up from my bed. I was just trying to fall back asleep, when some guy was in my bedroom. I flipped around, and saw Miguel sitting on my chair, stroking Peter. "Oh my god, what are you doing in my room?" He stared at me, petting Peter. "Your heart rate was up, I had to make sure my amazing cook wasn't having a heart attack." I flipped my legs off my bed. "No, no it was just a bad dream, wait- wait did you just say I was amazing?"
I hopped off my bed and walked over to him. "No, I would never." He also stood up, pushing Peter off his lap.

"I think you did." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Okay, maybe I did." This is when I realized that the man in front of me was still wearing his mask. I could have swore he wasn't wearing it a second before.
I lifted his mask up, and leaned in-

I shot up from my bed again. Man, I've been having some really, really weird dreams. Maybe I should try talking to the spider therapist.
I got dressed and ready for my day, all well my very intrusive dream still lingered in my head. I was definitely going to talk to a therapist today.

I walk out of my room trying to avoid eye contact with everyone, just in case one of them was Miguel. Walking looking at the floor was absolutely a bad idea, because I ran head first into someone.
I looked up to see who I ran into and, yup, it was Miguel. "I am so sorry." I could feel heat rising to my face, and my legs turn into jelly. "Y/N ,are you okay?" I stumbled past him, almost running into another spider person.
"Yup, all good." I booked it away from him, almost running into a walk.
I ran all the way to the kitchen, just to get away from Miguel. I stood in my kitchen, huffing air in and out.

Today, or any other day for that matter, I don't have the time to be thinking about Miguel O'Hara. Instead I have to cut up thousands of bagels for breakfast. Which I better get a head start on, because I've only got an hour, and no help.

After an hour of hard work, I was finally able to sit back and watch people enjoy their breakfast. Not only that but I was also able to get that dumb dream out of my head.

I watched as the crowd died down, and eventually no one was in the dining area. I sat all alone in the kitchen waiting for more food to arrive so I could finally make lunch.

I jumped up the moment I heard the door handle twisting. I waited for one of the spider people to walk in holding a bunch of food. I hoped diminished when Miguel walked through the door holding no food. "Hey, recruit, got any more bagels." The dream rushed back into my head, and I turned as red as a tomato.

"Um, yes, yes we do." I grabbed a regular bagel, and reached it out to him. He looked at me a little weirdly and grabbed the bagel. He exited through the same door, he came in through, and I finally let out a breath that I was keeping in.
I'll have a fun time trying to not think about the dream again.

A few seconds later Jessica came through the door holding a huge box full of food. "Thank god, if you were any later the spider people might have gone mad with hunger." I grabbed the box from her, as she chuckled. "I think they already have." I looked out my window and saw Miguel holding down a spider screaming and banging his fist on the ground.
My face turned bright red, and I immediately looked away.
I saw Jessica's smile grow, as she saw my bright red face. "You've got a crush already?" I was starting to unpack all the ingredients. "What, nooo." That was the most sarcastic no I have ever said. "Mhm, so, who is it?" I was now getting a bunch of pots and pans out. "I don't have a crush, I just had a really weird dream." Crap, why would I tell her that? "What type of dream?" She propped herself up on one of the counters. "I can't tell you, right now" That just made me sound more suspicious, great. "Okay, but I want to hear all about it later." She hopped off the counter, and left the room

An hour later I was, again, serving people a bunch of chicken noodle soup. This time Miguel waited in the back of the line like everyone else. I decided the best way to avoid my reaction to seeing him was to act like he wasn't there, and quickly hand him his soup.
Soon there were only a few people in line, one of them being Miguel, who was three people away. I handed each spider person a fresh, steaming bowl of soup, up until Miguel was standing in front of me.

"Hey, recruit." He held his hands out for his soup. I quietly poured him a bowl, and handed it to him. As he walked away I saw his face, which made me go bright red again, for like the third time today. I was definitely going to talk to the spidey therapist today.

I continued serving people their soup, until the line was finally gone, and everyone was sitting at a table slurping away. I watched from inside my kitchen for any signs of Miguel, but the only person I saw was Jessica Drew, staring at me with the widest grin ever.

She definitely saw everything.

Last chapter I was talking about how I had 10k reads, but now I almost have 20k. You  guys are really, really awesome.

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Love you guys 😘😘😘

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